Dec. 2
Attend Spoken Word. See if you can get some inspiration from your schoolmates to use for your personal poem.
Dec. 2
Attend Spoken Word. See if you can get some inspiration from your schoolmates to use for your personal poem.
Nov. 10
You should have the following completed for the short story you selected:
** Each of these should be attached as files under a heading **
The last part of this project will be the posting of your project on your blog and the oral presentation. Be prepared to discuss the following types of questions:
Nov. 9
You should have the following completed for the short story you selected:
Please write a paragraph response for your selected short story. It should only be one paragraph long. Please remember the following when writing your response:
** feel free to check with me about the topic you want to write on **
Nov. 5
You should have the following completed for the short story you selected:
Please write a concise summary of your selected short story. It should only be one paragraph long. Please remember the following when writing your summary:
Nov. 4
You should have the following completed for the short story you selected:
For today please complete the Character Traits Worksheet (fillable) for tomorrow’s class
You can use Character Traits Word Bank if you need
Nov. 2
Task #1 – Discuss the differences between the character of Icabod Crane in the short story and in the Disney movie.
Final Short Story Project
To finish off our short story unit you are going to need to select your own short story and have it read for tomorrow’s class. This will be a rather large project that have a number of components and will have a large impact on your grade
Oct. 30
Task #1 – Watch The Legend of Sleepy Hollow below and compare the character of Icabod Crane from the Disney version with how he is characterized in the short story.
Oct. 29
Please answer the Legend of Sleepy Hollow Questions (fillable) then continue reading the story. Try to work together on the questions so you can discuss your answers
Oct. 28
Please use this class to review, edit and post a good copy of your character sketch of Icabod Crane from “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”
** It should be posted this evening **
Oct. 27
Task #1 – Please post your draft in the comments section of this post we we can review them as a class. Your good copy will be due tomorrow and will need to be posted on your blog.
Task #2 – Once complete continue reading “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”