Wellness Wednesday #2
Goal Setting
Why Set Goals?
- Gives you focus
- Allows you to measure progress
- Mitigates distraction and holds you accountable
- Help overcome procrastination
- Provide motivation
Have a quick read of the article below:
SAP — Smallest Achievable Perfection
Today’s Assignment:
- Identify your SAP for this week and explain why.
- Identify and explain your goal for school this quarter and/or this year.
- Has it changed since the start of this quarter? Why/why not?
- Does is follow the SMART guideline for goal setting? If not, amend your goal and bring it in-line with this guideline
- If you have not established a goal/goals for this quarter and/or this year, please complete before next Wednesday’s class and hand in on TEAMS
A Sweet Video to to get you thinking