1. Intro to Solving Linear Equations

Wednesday, March 10

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Reviewing the Terminology

Equation: An expression with an equal sign in it

Term: The number of pieces to the equation.  They are separated by + or – or = signs

Variable: A letter, usually x.  It represents an unknown or changeable quantity

Coefficient: The number multiplied in front of the variable

Constant: Any number by itself.

Important things to remember:

  • An equation is like a balance.  To keep the equation balanced we must always perform the same operations on both sides.
  • Solving equations requires you to use your skills from the polynomials unit and collect the like terms
    • Steps
      1. Move all variable terms (letters) to the same side and constant terms (numbers) to the other side
      2. Add up the terms on each side
      3. Divide both sides by the coefficient of x.
      4. Check your answer

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Assignment: Exercise Set 6.1 (#1,2,5)

Review Video (Dude has a great accent):