Poetry Day 5 – Ballad Poems cont…

March 31

Task #1 – Find a ballad for Monday’s class, analyse it,  and upload both to your blog.

Task #2 – Answer the following questions and be prepared to read your poem and analysis for Monday’s class.

  1. Why did you select the poem?
  2. What makes it a ballad poem?
  3. Which poetic devices does the poet use? Provide examples.
  4. What is the poem’s theme?
  5. Provide any other important or interesting information about the poem.

Poetry Day 2 – Onomatopoeia in Poetry

March 28

Task #1 – We’ll briefly go over the remainder of the poetry terms and check over the answers to the Onomatopoeia Worksheet:

Task #2 – Read aloud your short poems where you used examples of onomatopoeia

Task #3 – Read and examine the following poems and find examples of onomatopoeia and other poetic devices and be prepared to discuss with the class.

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Task #4 – Complete the following for tomorrow’s class:

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Social Media & Common Sense Response

March 9

Your Task:

Once you have opened Social Media & Common Sense read the page and watch the videos. While you are not simply limited to using the information you have read or watched on the page, you are required to make a reference to it when coming up with your response.  Please answer the following question:

“Should there be a guide to teach people how to use social media responsibly, or is common sense simply good enough?”

We will discuss our opinions at the end of today’s class.




Paragraph Response #2 – Determining the Ending

March. 2

Task #1 – Go over  The Lady or the Tiger

Here’s a simplified version:

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Task #2 – Select either The Sanctuary or The Lady or the Tiger and write a paragraph response to the corresponding question below:

The Sanctuary – Explain whether the ending of the story is happy or sad.

The Lady or the Tiger – Explain whether the tiger came out of the door or the lady.

Your draft is due Monday.