Descriptive Writing Activity #1

Feb. 1

Task #1 – Read aloud your completed sentences

Task #2 – Look at the example below and guess what it is that is being described.


The bright ball blinds you as it emerges; it rises like a yellow lollipop on the distant horizon.  Crashing against the shore, small waves wash the night’s debris onto the land.  Untouched golden sand covers the floor as far as your eyes can see.  Soothing, a gentle sea breeze rustles through your hair.

Task #3 – Complete the activity below for tomorrow’s class

What Am I?

Your task is to be as descriptive as possible to describe 3 different things (person, place, object, scene, scenario, ect.) without directly stating what it is.  You cannot have more than one of each thing (1 person, 1 place, 1 object, etc.) Your detailed description should allow the reader to know what it is you are writing about based on the detailed descriptions you provide.





Getting to Know You

Jan. 31

Task #1 – Two Truths & A Lie

Watch the following video and then come up with two things that are true about yourself and one lie about yourself.  Your goal is to trick your classmates so they are unsure which statements are true and which are not.


Task #2 – Complete the following sentences being as descriptive as possible for tomorrow’s class:

My name is …

Last semester was …

My biggest pet peeve is …

School is …

My favourite subject is …

When I get nervous I …

The best way to describe the city I’m from is …

So far I think Riverside is …

My favourite thing to do is …

My least favourite thing to do is …

The thing I am looking forward to most this year is …

The thing I am looking forward to least this year is …