Riverside’s Spoken Word

May 6

After attending Riverside’s Spoken Word, you will be required to write a reflection and post it on your blog.  See the criteria below:

  • Select your favourite presentation
  • Record the title and the speaker
  • Include a brief summary of what the poem was about
  • Provide specific reasons as to why you selected the poem and what you like about it
  • Answer the question: If you had to perform a spoken word presentation in front of the school, what topic would you present on and why?

Intro to Touching Spirit Bear

Thursday, May 5

Please take a copy of the novel and use the Book Sign Up to record your book number.  If you do not want a copy, you may download the digital version: Touching Spirit Bear NOVEL

Please complete 1. Touching Spirit Bear Pre-Read prior to reading chapter 1.  They will be due tomorrow. When you are done, begin reading chapter 1.

Friday, May 6

Have your questions out to be checked and be ready to discuss your answers with the class.

You will be reading chapter 1 with the class.

Whether or not you finish reading chapter 1 in class, please complete 2. Touching Spirit Bear_Ch 1 for homework.  We will be going over the answers on Monday’s class.