Week 4 – Converting a Rational Exponent into a Radical

During the fourth week of Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus, I learned how to convert a rational exponent into a radical. Doing this is very simple. For example: . To complete this procedure, the denominator equals the root of the rational exponent. Then, the numerator is the power of the radical. After these steps you get your radical. Although, if you use variables you cannot evaluate the answer, if the value of the variable is unknown. Also, there is a way to remember how to do this procedure, draw a picture of a flower, with a root. The root of the flower is denominator of the power, and the top is the numerator. Finally, use the method above to solve the radical.

Penny Lab Conclusion

The analysis of our results were that water on the penny by itself, is more cohesive than water on a penny that is submersed into a soapy liquid solution. Our hypothesis was negated because our results showed that even if we carefully and equally distribute the water on the penny, we still have averages close to other groups.  To expand our research we would try using another substance than merely water and soapy liquid.

(The above image is part one of our Penny Lab experiment. Here we used an eye dropper to drop water on a penny.)

(The image above is part two of our Penny Lab experiment. During the procedure we dipped a penny in the pink water, and then we used to eye dropper to drop water on the penny.)

Week 2 – Converting Entire Radicals into Mixed

During the second week of Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10, I learned how to convert a entire radical into a mixed, with a index of 2.  You can convert a entire radical into a mixed by finding the highest perfect square and factoring it out. This equals to the coefficient. Then you multiply the coefficient by the radical whatever number is left. Note: always simplify, if you convert a entire radical into a mixed, and if the radicand can be factored by a perfect square still, simplify it by taking it out the radicand and multiply by the coefficient again.


Float Your Boat Challenge (Lab)

Float Your Boat! – Scientific Method Project

Name:  Josh Secrieru                                                                                                       BLK: C


Create a boat that can float in water and can hold the most amount of pennies.


How to make pennies float in a boat with limited resources.  (Tin Foil, two straws, one marshmallow, and a piece of tape).


If we structure the boat with a rectangular shape, using the marshmallow stickiness to support the edges, then the buoyancy of the boat will upsurge and it will hold more pennies.


(The above image is our initial design of what our boat might look like).

We will cut the marshmallow in four pieces, and use it as a support for the edges. This will make the edges hold more sufficiently, rather than just scotch tape.  For our tin foil, we will fold out the margins and make it a rectangular shape. Also we cut the straws in four pieces, this will act as a support beam to prevent the boat from collapsing in the water. We think that making it a rectangular design will give us more room to equally balance the pennies, which is equivalent to having more pennies that it can hold.

(The above images is our boat after it was completed, following our initial design idea).


Our boat held 89 pennies.

(The image above is our boat sinking after the 89th penny was placed in).


If I were to do this lab again, I would keep our rectangular shape design, which worked extremely well. Also, I would change the height of our rectangular design, because our boat sank due to the size of the walls. If our walls were higher, we could have fitted more pennies in the boat before it would sink .

Observations & Inferences

Observations and Inferences

Science 10                                                                                                                   Name:        Josh Secrieru                                                   BLK:  C



Words that describe the object

(Five senses)


Ie:  Where might the object come from?  Possible uses?  Etc.



Object D


– Light cream color

– Around two to three pounds

– Red marking on object

– Smooth

– Wooden feel

– Dark brown on the top side

– Small stand on back of object

– Strange triangular shape

– Bone texture and feeling

– Doesn’t have a strong smell

– Solid object

– A couple feet in length









– Type of large animal bone

– Possible fossil or old bones

– Wooden tool used in the past

– Scientific fossil used to discover extinct animals or things in the past

– Possible weapon in the past

– Furniture used now or in the past

– Decorative item

– Traditional item, used for religious customs past and present

– Dinosaur bone

– Extinct animal bone



– What type of bone is it?

– Does it benefit society?

– Does it help scientists in any way?

– Why does it have that stand on the back?

– Why is it important?

– What religious groups utilize this object?

– Does it benefit museums by finding other unique items like itself?

– What animal kingdom does it follow in?

– What does the red spot mean?


Object A




– Dark cream color

– brown spots all over object

– Around three pounds

– Not very smooth

– Line on top of object, that leads down

– Doesn’t have a strong smell

– Hard bone texture

– Shape differs on the sides

– Circular shape in the front

– Very solid

– 32cm length









– Skull of an animal (large teeth)

– Skull of an extinct animal

– Scientific fossil which supports our knowledge

– Fossil used to assist scientists to figure what animals existed in the past

– Dinosaur bone

– Animal that has unique abilities, which creates scientists to discover what the animal does

– Religious ritual item, which creates people to discover past customs

– Historical fossil used in museums


– What animal skull is it?

– How does it benefit scientist?

– Why is it important?

– Can the object help geographers with their research?

– Is the animal portrayed in the image extinct?

– Does the object

– How old is the skull?

– Does the animal still exist in parts of the world?

– Do any religious groups use this object for ritual purposes?


Object F




– Silver colored handle

– Small translucent tube at the end of the handle

– Very light object

– Steel smell

– around 15 to 20 cm in length

– Small object

– Black button/knob at the top

– Smooth feeling

– Different pieces which connect to one object (tube, handle, base, button)

– Numbers at top











– A tube which injects and expels a liquid

– A scientific tool used frequently for many tasks and labs

– A tool used to assist scientists, rather than touching the object

– An old tool, which is now replaced by more beneficial tools

– Used to feed small animals or bugs, which helps scientists discover theories

– Can inject vapors or other chemicals

– A syringe

– Unused material for labs (school, university, science centers)


– How does it benefit scientists?

– Why is it important?

– Why use this tool, rather than others?

– Can using this item provide more research?

– Why is this one not used very often?

– Are there better alternatives for this object?

– Was this object used more frequently in the past?

– Why is there numbers at the top of the object?

– Is this object very useful?



Object C


– White

– Very small objects

– Crystal like form

– Sugar/salt appearance

– No smell

– Glass feel

– Internal powder (inside)

– Crunchy sound











– Used for slippery surfaces

– Rare substance

– Alternative for narcotic purposes

– Medicinally used

– Chemical substance for labs

– Enhances flavor for food

– Ice crystal with flavor for liquids

– Ice crystal with color, that gives chemical reaction to other substances


– What does it do?

– Is it useful for science?

– Why is it important?

– is it a dangerous chemical?

– Does it have a chemical reaction?

– Does it have flavor?

– is it used for other purposes besides science?

– Does it react with water?

– Does it benefit scientist?

Week 1 – Prime Factorization

During the first week of Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10, I learned how to use prime factorization to find the greatest common factor and the lowest common multiple. To find the GCF and the LCM, I used the tree diagram. The tree digram in my opinion is easier and better to use, rather than the division table. The greatest common factor of a set of numbers is the largest whole number which divides exactly into each of the members of the set. To determine the GCF, you need to find the product of each prime factor which is common to each prime factorization, then you multiply those factors that both numbers have in common. Next, to determine the LCM, take all the prime factors of one of the numbers and multiply by any additional factors in the other numbers. The larger the numbers are, the harder it is. Before, using this technique, you need to know how to do prime factorization initially. When you have larger numbers, sometimes using long division is required, although there are other techniques you can do.