April 19, 2021

Photography 11 Portfolio

Photography is an art form. Art in my eyes is anything that can incite thought and intrigue, which is why mediums like music, writing, filmmaking, sculpting, and painting are so powerful. They are capable of stirring emotion within the people that see it and the artist themselves. Whenever I take a photo, I try to make it illicit a feeling when I view it, whether it be nostalgia, serenity, excitement, or sadness. I believe that photography should provoke and leave the viewer with more than before they found it. A photograph itself is a snapshot of the real world held still, and a window in which we see things differently.

With society now prioritizing the sciences, it is the responsibility of the artist to keep the creativity and emotion in humanity alive through whatever medium it can. Whether it be through painting, photographing, composing, or anything else. Although I won’t fully pursue being a photographer in the future, I will still take a career path that is involved in the arts.

Tech Zone – High Shutter Speed

Tech Zone – Low Shutter Speed

TypologyHistorical Photo

Natural Light PortraitNatural Light PortraitStudio PortraitStudio Portrait


  1. What part of your finished portfolio did you find most successful and why?
    – I consider my first few projects alongside my older independent photos -which are at the bottom of the blog- my most successful works. My first projects were smaller in scale and more manageable for me to do, thus giving out a better product, while my older photos are not restricted by any outlines, rubrics or other academic limitations, so I had more freedom over the composition.
  2. What part of your finished portfolio did you find least successful and why?
    –  I would say my last three project photos are the least successful, which is the last light portrait and both studio portrait, primarily because I was in a crunch to get them done by the deadline which ended up with a quality that I’m not quite satisfied with.
  3. If you had the time, what project would you like to redo and why?
    – I would redo the studio portraits, because it was the project that I had the least time to actually do by far. I spent more time preparing and waiting for a good time slot but ended up doing it on the day it was due, which was the worst I’ve ever done on a project.
  4. Any last thoughts?
    – Despite its ups and downs, I enjoyed this course. Not having my own camera and the recent COVID crisis made things harder for me to pursue photography, but this course managed to revive some of my passion for the art.

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November 18, 2020

Core Competency Reflection – Socials 11

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June 15, 2020

Week 18 – Math 10

Week 18 of Math 10 and Week 8 of cautious classes. Never thought I’d have my birthday during a pandemic but here I am, too bad COVID-19 prevented my mom and I from visiting family back in the Philippines. This week had quite a bit of new topics, in this blog post I will be covering a few things I missed from last week like how to determine the number of solutions of two equations alongside some new topics like the elimination method.

There are only three types of solutions when it comes to linear equations, and each of them can be told from a glance. First, there can be no solutions. In this example here, 2x+4 and 2x+1, both do not intersect therefore cannot have a specific point. This occurs if both equations have the same slope, but not the same y-intercept.

Next, which is the one we’ll see most often is 1 solution. This is when the slope is different for both numbers. So 2x+2 and 4x+2 would look like this.

For the last possible solution, or rather solutions, is there can be an infinite number of solutions if both equations are the exact same. If both equations were 5x+7, then both would be in the exact same spot which would mean it would be intersecting itself infinitely.

The next topic we’ve learned is a new way to solve for the solution which is called elimination. This method can be used if there is no variable that is already isolated, for example: 2x+7y=-5 and 5x-7y=19.

The first step to the method is to find a variable that cancels each other out, conveniently 7y is our zero pair meaning we can isolate for x. Next, simply add all numbers straight across then isolate for x.

Now that we know that x=1 we can plug it into one of the two equations to isolate for the other missing value.

Now we know what the solution is with the coordinate (1,-1). You would want to verify if it’s the correct answer however, so plug in the coordinate into both solutions, if it ends up as true for both then it is the correct answer.

Sometimes you will receive a question that does not have a variable that can be easily isolated like 3x+2y=7 and 9x+8y=22. It is possible to solve for this, start off by multiplying all the terms of the first equation by 3 (to isolate for y). You are also allowed to use subtraction or addition depending on the question. For this one subtract both equations by each other and isolate for y.

Then all you have to do is follow the same steps done before. Plug in the value to isolate for the other missing side.

Then verify using the coordinate solution.

And you’re done!


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June 8, 2020

Week 17 – Math 10

Week 17 of Math 10 and Week 7  of cautious online classes. We are now learning a new topic which is the called the System of Linear Equations. In this blog post I will be covering what it is and how to solve for it without the use of graphs.

A system is essentially a set of linear equations that work together, and is described through two equations that can be written into lines. The point at which the two lines cross is called the solution of the system, which is a specific coordinate and the only coordinate where both lines intersect. For example, if we had 2x+y=4 and 3x+y=6 as our two equations, the solution would be the coordinate (2,0).

In order for us to confirm that this indeed is the solution we have to plug the numbers from the coordinate into their respective variable. If we do that we get 2(2)+0=4 which is true, and 3(2)+0=6 which is also true. If both equations result in a “true” statement then the solution is correct.

However, we while it was easy for us to insert the number into a graphing calculator like Desmos, we should also be able to know how to  solve for the solution algebraically. So let’s try to solve a new question without the use of a graph. This time our two equations are 5x-3y=27 and 2x+y=2. First, we start off by choosing an equation, then isolating either x or y. We can start off by doing equation 2 with the intent of isolating y.

Now that we know the value of y, we can plug in the y value into equation 2.

Now that we know what the x value is, we can go backwards and plug it into the previous equation to find the actual value of y.

So now we know that x=3 and y=-4, therefore the solution is (3,-4). Finally, you would want to double check if the solution is actually correct by inserting them into the initial first two equations to see if they’re true.

And you’re done!

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June 1, 2020

Week 16 – Math 10

Week 16 of Math 10 and Week 5 of quarantined classes. For the first time in a while we’re actually able to go back to school, but under heavy care as to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Online classes are still an option though so I’m gonna play it safe and stay at home, I’ve still managed to learn a lot despite the restrictions of video calls. In this blog post I will be covering Slope y-intercept form, Point-Slope form, General form, and how to convert them into each other.

There are three different ways to write a linear equation:

Slope y-intercept form: y = mx + b

Point slope form: m(x-x) = y – y

General form: Ax + By + C = 0


If we’re given the values m=2 with the coordinates (3,6) we should have all we need in order to write in all forms. Let’s start off with point-slope form. Point slope form has the slope as the value behind the parenthesis while the coordinate values go into the second x and y of the equation. Following the previously given values the equation would look like this.

If the coordinate was negative, we simply change the minus signs to positive because two minuses equal a positive.

For general form, all values have to be on one side while zero is on another. With the above values we can’t immediately go to general form however, because we need to convert it into point slope, then into slope intercept form to convert it into general form. To turn it from point slope to slope intercept, first distribute the slope into the parenthesis

Then try to isolate the y in the equation

Afterwards, simply move the y into the other side and replace it with a 0.

That’s it, usually the most important form you have to go from is point slope because it can convert into general form and slope intercept. As a bonus I’ll be covering how to change general form into slope intercept.

For our general form question we’ll start with 4x-2y+10=0, first step is to move the y into the other side

Next, turn the y into 1y through any means. In this case divide y by 2, then divide all terms on the other side by 2 as well. You now have it in slope intercept form.

And you’re done!

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May 26, 2020

Week 15 – Math 10

Week 15 of Math 10 and Week 4 of quarantined classes. This week has been fairly quiet, nothing absolutely massive or no new revelations, which is nice considering how this quarantine makes lessons harder. In this blog post I will be covering Parallel and Perpendicular lines, a topic that I was unable to add into my previous blog post, alongside Linear functions.

Parallel and Perpendicular lines are types of lines that are adjacent or directly on a certain line. Parallel lines are lines that will never intersect with the main line.

In this image, the blue line is our main line while the green line is it’s parallel. Notice how both lines have the exact same slope but are situated on different parts of the y-axis. The slope of the first line is always equal to that of the second line if it’s a pair of parallel lines.

Perpendicular lines on the other hand are the complete opposite. These lines will always intersect with the main line no matter what.

Here, you can see that the red line intersects with the main blue line,. The slope of the main line is 2 or \frac {2}{1} while the slope of the red line is -0.5 or \frac {-1}{2}. If you had a keen eye you’d notice that the slopes for both lines are polar opposites, or in math terms, negative reciprocals of each other. So in order to find the slope of a perpendicular line you have to flip the slope of the main line on it’s head then turn it into a negative. Another note is that since these lines are negative reciprocals, they will always result in -1. \frac {2}{1} multiplied by \frac {-1}{2} is equal to \frac {-2}{2} or -1.

So if you were given two different slopes e.g \frac {2}{4} and 2x, this is how you’d solve for both parallel and perpendicular lines.

If you’re looking for a parallel line, you know that the slope of the first line is equal to the slope of the second line, or {M^1} = {M^2}. Your goal is to isolate x, so plug in the values then follow the order of operations.

If you’re looking for a perpendicular line, then the formula for finding it is {M^1} \cdot {M^2}=-1 because perpendicular lines are always =-1. So plug in the values then follow the order of operations like above.

Next in line are Parent Functions. Parent functions are lines that are the base version of all functions. They have a slope of 1, have both an x and y intercept of (0,0) and are written as y=x. This is how they look like on a graph.

If other numbers are added to the Parent function they become something else entirely. In this case they can become linear functions which are written using the slope y-intercept form, or y=mx+b. M refers to the slope while B refers to the y-intercept. When it comes to solving equations the value you’re looking for may vary, but its all a matter of what information is given to you. Here, I’m going to provide three different questions and the methods to approach them.

M = -2, passing through (3,6). For this question we already have the slope given to us but we don’t know how the values for x, b and y. Luckily, since coordinates are formatted as (x,y) we know that the values for x and y are 3 and 6 respectively. Plug in the numbers then follow the order of operations.

The answer comes to y=-2x+12.

Goes through (8, 6) (4, 3). For this question, we aren’t given anything except two coordinates, but while this may seem impossible to do, remember to always try to find the slope first. In order to find the slope, use the slope formula \frac {y_1}{x_1}\frac{-y_2}{-x_2}.

Now that we know the slope is \frac {3}{4} we can make the slope interval equation y=\frac {3}{4}x+b. The next step is to choose a coordinate to plug in the values, then follow algebra. It actually doesn’t matter which coordinate you choose, both will share the same answer.

Since B=0 the answer just ends up being  y=\frac {3}{4}x.

Perpendicular to y=\frac {-1}{4}+4 going through (8,2). Now perpendicular and parallel are coming into play. Since the question says perpendicular, we have to flip \frac {-1}{4} to become \frac {4}{1} or 4, but there are two different y-intercepts that are shown. The +4 in the slope interval and the 2 in the coordinate, so which one do we plug into the equation? The answer is always the coordinate, meaning that even if the coordinate were replaced with “y-intercept of 2” you still use 2 because a y-intercept of 2 is just (0,2). Plug in the numbers then algebra takes over.

And you’re done!

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May 19, 2020

Week 14 – Math 10

Week 14 of Math 10 and Week 3 of quarantined classes. We haven’t shifted much from the properties of graphing, but we did learn a new topic which is Slope. In this blog post I will be explaining what slope is and how to solve for it.

Slope is a value that shows how steep or shallow a line is on a graph. This is the also the same as the tangent ratio because tangent’s opposite and adjacent sides can be substituted for the X and Y values on a graph. It’s commonly represented through \frac {x}{y}, so if our line were to look like this

Then we just have to count how much the x value rises and how much the y value runs left or right. This is also known as the \frac {rise}{run} method. In this case right here our coordinates are (0,6) and (-3,0) so we start from the lowest point, go up or rise until we reach the second point, then run to whichever direction the second point is. The end result is \frac {6}{3} or 2.

Another method to finding the slope is by finding all the “nice points” or the points of whole numbers where the line intersects, then find the \frac {rise}{run} within those points.

This is useful if you’re not given two specific points or if you want to try your hand at finding the slope faster than the first method. There are four different kinds of lines and slopes that you should also be aware of: Positive, Negative, Zero and Undefined.

The first two (Black and Green) are self-explanatory, they’re your typical sloped lines that face left or ride according to their x-value being negative or positive. The other two are a bit more complicated. Zero-sloped lines (Blue) are lines that have their y-value at 0, meaning there is no slope. Undefined lines (Red) are named as such because the x-value is zero, so the slope is essentially \frac {1}{0} meaning that you’re trying to divide by zero (which isn’t possible, hence the undefined).

Next, I’m going to demonstrate how to find the slope using slope formula. Slope formula is \frac {y_1}{x_1}\frac{-y_2}{-x_2} and is used if given two coordinates. So if we were asked to find the slope between (6,4) and (3,2) it would look like this

Always remember to start with the y-values as the numerator, highlight it if you can. I’ve personally gotten a lot of questions wrong because I instinctively read the first number of the coordinate -or x- and put it on top which gave me the wrong answer. Another type of question you can encounter is if you’re given two coordinates with a missing value, like here

Here, it isn’t very different from the first method. Follow the slope formula then try to isolate the variable as if it was a person with COVID-19 who left quarantine. If you follow the order of operations you’ll likely get the right answer, just remember if you’re going to do something to one side, also do it to the other.

And that’s Slope!


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May 11, 2020

Week 13 – Math 10

Week 13 of Math 10 and Week 2 of online classes. This week we started focusing more on functions and how to express them on a graph and how to interpret them. In this blog post I will be explaining the different ways functions can be shown and how to interpret a graph.

For starters, we can represent functions in three different ways:

  1. Equations
  2. Mapping Notation
  3. Function Notation

Equations are your typical y=x expression. For example, y=3x+4 is a form of a function because it has a degree of 1 making it a linear expression and it does not result in a vertical line which is not a function.

Mapping notation is represented through f:x —–> 3x+4 and this is used as a way to find a specific point rather than give a line. You can find the specific point by plugging in a number into the x value and simplifying. So if f:(-2) then 3(-2)+4=-2 which gives you the specific point and ordered pair of the function as seen here.

Function notation is represented through f(x)=3x+4. Solving this is no different from solving mapping notation, but the difference is that f represents the name of the function, meaning that we can have different functions add or subtract into one another. So if f(x)= 3x+4 and g(x)= 4x-2 and x= 5 we can subtract them.

Next is how to interpret graphs with them. Let’s say we were given a graph that looks like this:

We can find out what the specific point that a function notation gives. If we were given f(7) we can find the point where f(7) and the graph intersect and find the y value, which for this case is 3.

This also applies to finding the x value too. If f(x)=6 then we can estimate that the x value is 4.5 based off the point that 6 intersects with on the graph.

And that’s how function notation works!

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May 4, 2020

Week 12 – Math 10

Week 12 of Math 10, and Week 2 of online classes. We’ve gone further into relations through domain and range then moved on to functions. However, domain and range was one of the more difficult topics that I have dealt through, so despite my doubts, I’m going to take it upon myself to try and explain it to make sure I remember what I learned. In this blog post I will be detailing what domain and range is and how to interpret it into set notation.

So, first let’s explain what they are. Domain is the set of all possible numbers on the x-axis, while Range is the set of all possible numbers on the y-axis. You can find the domain and range through a variety of ways such as ordered pairs and graphs, like this one:

Here you can see two pairs of open dots, two on the x-axis and two on the y-axis. To make things easier we will deal with the domain first. Start off by looking for the smallest value that has a dot, which in this case is -4, then look for the biggest value that has a dot which is 6. We format domain and range through set notation which looks like this:

Set notation starts off with the smallest value on the left most side, followed by a less than sign and a variable (usually is x but can vary from question to question) and that variable is also followed by another less than sign and the biggest value. Usually questions that have two points follow this format.

To make things easier, think of x as the stretch between -4 and 6, x has to be bigger than -4, but can only be smaller than 6.

There can also be graphs that have lines with arrows in them, like this one.

These ones are a bit more complicated, as the arrow indicate that the line will continue to go on infinitely. Luckily there is a way to express that in set notation as well. For the domain the smallest value is 2, but since the x is in front of 2 and there’s a shaded dot, x has to be greater than or equal to 2.

Normally {x\geq2} would be the final result, but because there’s an arrow, x can go on forever and it would be unreasonable to attempt to label every single possible number, we will instead use x∈R or x is an element of real numbers, so the domain would be {x\geq2, x∈R } For the range, there aren’t any two points we can calculate, so the range is simply 0.

Finally, there’s a graph that has two arrows

This graph will be using rules from the previous questions. Here -5 is the smallest value on the x-axis, and since there are arrows infinitely going to the right, the answer will be {\geq-5, x∈R}. For the range however, the lines with arrows have a slight curve to them, meaning they will infinitely go up for the upper line and down for the lower line. So it would mean that all numbers along the y-axis are possible numbers. So in order to simplify things, y∈R or y is an element of real numbers will be used for the range because there is no set point for the y-axis.

And that’s how Domain and Range works

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