Week 18 – Math 10 – Elimination

This week in math 10 online, I learned how to use elimination to solve systems of linear equations. When using the elimination method to solve a system of linear equations, you can also refer it to the addition method. To solve an equation using the elimination method you have to transform the system so that one variable cancels out. You will also know that it is a good idea to be using the elimination method when you see that there is a zero pair in the system, for example, -3x and +3x. Your first step should always be to choose whether you are gonna turn the x variables into a zero pair or if you are going to turn the y variables into a zero pair. Sometimes, the system will already give you the zero pair and from there you just add up the like pairs, similar to the polynomials unit. Finally, you can multiply an entire equation by the denominator to find a zero pair.

Here is an example of how to solve a system of linear equations using the elimination method:


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