The following is my core competency reflection for health education:
The following is the health education reflection that I did the core competency reflection on:
Identifying and managing stress
For me, I have quite a lot of stress in my life because it is very normal to have stress. There are many ways to manage and cope with stress and most of these ways are what I use to deal with my stress. The stress that I have in my life is that I am worried that I will not have the future that I want, and I will not have the job that I seek. In the future, I hope that I will be a professional soccer player because it is my dream and soccer is my passion. Try-outs always stress me out because I feel like there will be multiple players there that are way better than me with their technical ability and decision making when they are playing soccer and I just feel like I won’t make the team because I’m not good enough. Ways that I cope with this problem is that I get enough sleep, I do some exercise so I go for a walk to clear my head, I go to practice my soccer skills at gates park or I just talk to someone who knows how I feel about my stress and can help me out to clear if off my head. Other stress that I have is trying to manage a social life, school work and school activities and outside activities that I do, for example I play for Poco’s gold soccer team. It’s hard to maintain all of these because I barely get a lot of time after to school to hang out with friends because I have a lot of homework from all my classes and the work just keeps on piling up so that equals quite a few hours and I also have soccer 4 to 5 times a week so that makes me extra busy. It also makes me have not a lot of time to spend with my family and to make plans with friends to go places and have fun hanging out because of how busy I am with school work and soccer, it’s just hard to keep a social life when I’m outside of school, except for the weekend. To deal with this stress of maintaining a social life, I make sure to plan of time what I’m going to do that week and I also do first things first which means get my homework done first before I do what I want, unless I have important interruptions. I also must make sure my school work comes first instead of soccer because getting good marks and grades, and having a good education is more important because I want to do good in school and maintain a good GPA. I also have stress about not looking up to par, but to fix that stress I try to just clear it off my head and just be who I am and not care about what anybody says.