Kim Jun Un Looking to Make Peace

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This article explains how Kim Jun Un is promising to end North Korea’s nuclear program and abandon their nuclear weapons if the United States agrees to formally end the Korean War and promises not to invade his country. There is skepticism, however, over whether North Korea will honor their promise. What interested me about this article is that we are learning about the Korean War in Socials Studies at the moment and recently talked about how the Korean War has just ended. It also interested me because President Trump and Kim Jun Un are meeting in Singapore, the place where I was born. The article makes me question why Kim Jun Un finally decided to try to make peace. What is going on in North Korea that Kim Jun Un needs support from other nations? There’s no sort of war happening, so it seems that North Korea is in some sort of trouble. I liked that the author illustrated all points of views in this article, including both positions of skepticism, as well as support. The author was also very in depth and descriptive. The article in a way depicts the human tendency to be untrusting of other humans, a quality that can be both negative and positive. It can damage relationships, but also protect our well being. This quality is illustrated by how people are skeptical of whether North Korea will actually end their nuclear program so abruptly.

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