This article talks about Hamid Chaudry. Hamid is a Pakistani immigrant who came to America and bought a Dairy Queen restaurant. The article praises his philanthropy in his Pennsylvania community. I liked this article because of the heartwarming aspect of it. Everyone comes out happy; Hamid gains more business and the organizations that he helps benefit as well. The part of the article that caught my eye was when the author talked about Hamid’s offer of donating a pint of blood in exchange for a free $20 frozen cake. I thought this was genuinely an offer that would not only make an unquestionable difference in people’s lives, but also an offer that people would actually participate in. At his fundraisers, Hamid would donate everything above cost to charity, making no profit from his fundraisers. Hamid was making a real difference in his community. I appreciated the way that the author explained Hamid’s history of working his way up in America. It demonstrated where Hamid’s generosity may have come from. Growing up in Pakistan, Hamid probably didn’t see much prosperity, and coming to America, he probably wanted to make sure others didn’t face the same hardships going on in his homeland. Hamid’s lovable character reminds me of Pop Tate from Riverdale. They are both benevolent characters that own restaurants that resemble the hearts of their respective communities. The article revealed human’s nature to help others. It showed that not all corporate-run fundraisers do it for the publicity; some of these owners really do care about their communities.