Week 3 – Precalc 11

One of the things we learned this week in Precalc 11 is the absolute value and it is defined as the principal square root of the sequence of a number. It is the distance of the number from 0 on the number line.

The absolute value of a number is always positive.
\mid 10 \mid = 10

\mid -\frac {7}{2} \mid =+\frac {7}{2}.

But if the negative is outside the absolute value bars \mid \mid the answer can be a negative.
\mid 20 \mid = -20
The absolute value is -20 because the absolute value of \mid 20 \mid is 20 and there is a – in front so the answer is -20.

Those are just simple questions, absolute value equations can sometimes be more complex.
\mid 6+(-10)\mid - \mid 5-7 \mid
=\mid -4 \mid - \mid -2 \mid

\sqrt {(5.2-2.5)^2} - \mid 1.5 -0.2\mid
=(5.1-2.5) - \mid 1.3 \mid
=2.6 - 1.3

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