Making Babies

Our child has a light tan skin colour, has a square shaped head, with freckles present on his forehead and cheeks, a very prominent round cleft chin and curly hair, brown almond shaped eyes, connected bushy eyebrow, a round medium sized nose, he has an average sized mouth, thin lips, and he also has dimples.

How does the coin flip relate to the probability of inheriting genetic conditions?
In real life one allele comes from the biological father and another comes from the biological mother, when two people flips a coin, it relates to how the father and mother gives an allele to indentify the baby’s trait, there’s a 50% chance that an allele would be chosen.

How does this simulation accurately represent or not represent real life?
The simulation does not accurately represents real life because when flipping a coin there’s a 50% chance that you would get heads or tails, but in real life, a person might have a homozygous dominant. For example a person in real life has RR but when flipping a coin he/she could get R or r.

Did you identify any prejudices you might have about what traits you find “desirable”? Where do you think these prejudices come from?
In my opinion, some traits are more desirable than others and I find that these prejudices came from what I think is better, everyone has their own opinion about certain traits and would want different traits from somebody else’s but everyone is beautiful with their unique traits.

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