October 5

First Nations story assignment

The Journey of the Salmon-vkp4qy

I wrote this story because sometimes in life there will be challenges and obstacles that may seem to big to handle. But what I have learned through my own experiences is that your friends are always there for you and all you have to do is ask for their help and they will answer. My friends have always been there for me so I decided to write my story about co-operation between friends and your community. My overall message with this story is that your friends have your back and that nothing is impossible if you work with others.

September 29

My Bilingualism Word Map

Hers is the word map I created using both English and French words to describe Canada and what it means to be Canadian. I believe that we are a bilingual country even if French isn’t that widely used outside of Quebec, I think while many of us don’t explore our bilingualism it is still there and very much a part of who we are.

September 28

Individual Multiculturalism


This photo talks about the African Heritage month in Nova Scotia, the African community in Nova Scotia is embracing their heritage and what it means to be Canadian. I think that this shows that the African community in Nova Scotia is remembering how they got to Canada by looking to the past but also looking to the future. The African community in Nova Scotia started out as slaves but came to Canada to gain their freedom, and that is something to celebrate. Canada has also shown that we are embracing the African community by holding this event and showing that the African community throughout Canada is just as important as any other culture here.



This website mentions that Canada’s multiculturalism may be a threat to our Canadian identity. What it means by this is that with so many different cultures and communities here not everyone will agree with each other, as each community has gone through different experiences and sees things differently. While this can be seen as a problem it can also be a strength, with so many different cultures each with unique backgrounds we can see multiple sides to an issue and come to a common ground that is fair to everyone.


I believe that we in Canada are a very multicultural society and that we should explore this even more. I also believe that because of this we are a better country, with this multicultural identity we can see things through others perspectives and work together to expand and mix cultures. Overall while it may be a delicate and difficult thing to be multicultural I think it is well worth it.


September 19

How do you identify Canada and being Canadian?


I chose this picture because I think it really represents Canada and the fact that we have rights and freedoms that some places don’t have. We in Canada are lucky to have equality, rights to education and freedom of speech. Canada is a great place to live and is a place where people of all cultural backgrounds are treated both equally and fairly. While this may be so today things weren’t always that way. The worst offences being towards the First Nations people, while they may have the right to education now First Nations people were sent to residential schools and taken from there families. Things have definitely changed for the better, not just for the First Nations but everyone in Canada.


The reason I chose this website is because it talks about our ancestry and how Canada has changed over the years. Canada is full of people with mixed cultural backgrounds and it is a large part of our identity, we have been open to bringing in immigrants and taking in people from all around the world. A ton of new people came to British Columbia for the gold rush and have created a unique environment that we can still see today. We have also accepted the black slaves who came through the Underground Railroad trying to escape and gain their freedom. Not only has this happened in BC but althroughout Canada we see this and it is part of who we are as a people. I am proud to be Canadian because we are a diverse and accepting people who help those in need.