December 8

Socials government round table discussion

I learned that Socialism is an ideology that tries to make everyone equal through a classless society. By making everyone equal and getting rid of classes the government can distribute wealth and give everyone the necessities to a natural and healthy life. This would be a hard transition from a capitalist society as in capitalist societies we work very much for ourselves and use the money we gain for things we want. Instead in a socialist society everyone has what they need to live a normal and healthy lifestyle. The government does this by giving the means of production to the people and working class. There is no more privately owned business but it’s owned by the people and the government helps distribute the wealth equally between the people.

Our group thought that socialism definitely took a different take on how to get everyone equal. Seeing capitalism as something that deprives people of equality is certainly not how I thought about it. But after looking into it I realized that those in the higher classes look down on those with less. This system does promote individualism instead of community and while those who work hard can gain from it, those without the same opportunities may struggle in life. This does prevent equality as the higher classes have more and don’t want to give that up.

What I found somewhat challenging was finding real life examples so I could see socialism in action. There is a lot of theory on this ideology but it hasn’t been tested to it’s full potential. I think this system would certainly help build community between people and help solve many problems such as poverty around the world if implemented correctly.