April 17

Engineering Sketching Reflection

When we were first given this assignment I was quite excited as I have experimented with drawing before and really enjoyed it. So to learn some new techniques and improve in this skill was something I was really looking forward to. The assignment did live up to my expectations as it provided me with some challenges to test myself and learn from; it was also very fun.

One of my biggest challenges was that I am a bit of a perfectionist and specifically with art it never looks exactly like I picture it in my head. To overcome this I just continued to remind myself that this was a first try and that I am new at this so mistakes are a certainty. I also started with the basic shapes of what I was drawing and added more details once I had the “skeleton” of the drawing as I had been instructed. Using this approach I found it a lot easier to plan out the drawing. I was quite proud of my drawings when I was finished; the time I put in was certainly worth it. My favourite drawing to do was definitely the one of Captain Canuck as I am a fan of comic books and especially superheroes.

The second obstacle I faced  was just keeping my attention span long enough as I am quite slow when it comes to drawing or sketching. I found if I had periodic breaks throughout it helped my productivity. After my breaks I could refocus and work far faster.

Some of the things I learned from this assignment is to learn from my mistakes especially when trying something new, also to have patience with myself. Although I still have to work on spacing and size I did make sure to be lighter with my line weight. Thirdly I learned to care more for the process rather than the final product but still throughout the booklet I found my drawings were improving. Lastly I learned to take a short break every once in awhile to stay focused.

If I had to assign myself a grade I would give myself an A as I worked on the different skills taught whether that be line weight, size and space or the use of angles. I believe I improved on each of these as I went through the booklet. I stayed productive in class and worked on this at home so I put in the time and effort. Lastly I think my work shows the time I put in and I take pride in it.




March 4

Lullabies for Little Criminals Background Information

What is life like living on the streets of Vancouver/Montreal? (Living on the streets in general)


What is life like for a heroin addict? (Someone living a life on drugs)



Addiction is the uncontrollable desire to do something whether it is harmful to the person or not.


One of the most commonly abused drugs in heroin and it can quickly lead to addiction 


Heroin addiction is less noticeable right away but rather it’s seen after the person goes through withdrawals 


Some people will of course get addicted, this is often due to them building up a tolerance and taking more to compensate ( counteract ) for that 


Some of the causes for taking heroin are medicinal uses and some may be pressured into it by their peers 


( The effects ) 


First time use is sometimes described as the best feeling in the world some compare it to “being in love” unfortunately all the other uses don’t live up to that so people take more to recreate that feeling 


Some people use it to escape from their lives or painful memories 


Has a devastating effect on health and relationships, and can leave families broken and destitute ( not having a family anymore )


Overdose is a very dangerous consequence. Specially when their tolerance to the drug increases after a day or so.


It is common for loved ones to wonder why their addicted loved ones can’t just stop, but they can’t. Addicts have no control on what they feel whatsoever. To them there is nothing that can make them feel as good as heroin.

March 4

Richard Cory English Inforgraphic

Lit Kit Project (Cultural Identity)


  • How it relates: the “American Dream” 
  • Talk about the “American Dream culture”



____    Diction (7 words total, links to online definitions, pop-up or note with example explained)

  1. Arrayed: “display or arrange (things) in a particular way.” 
  2. Sole: “the undersurface of a person’s foot.” 
  3. Clean favoured: “free from dirt, marks, or stains.” and “preferred or recommended.”
  4. Imperially: “of the nature or rank of an emperor or supreme ruler.” 
  5. Flutter:move or fall with a light irregular or trembling motion.”
  6. Glittered: “shine with a bright, shimmering reflected light.”
  7. Grace: “simple elegance or refinement of movement.”

            ____    Imagery – what are the images that arise from this poem,                  (4 characters)

  1. “He was a gentleman from sole to crown”
    1. He was kind and well-mannered
  2. “Clean favored, and imperially slim.”
    1. He was well-dressed and attractive


  1. “‘Good-morning,’ and he glittered when he walked.”
    1. He ‘shone’ in a way–like his personality was bright enough to show through his completion 
  2. “So on we worked, and waited for the light”
    1. Ppl who worked hard couldn’t see the success that they saw in Richard Cory

            ____    Setting (photo and explanation, both physical and                     emotional, can be annotated or linked)

This image can show how Richard Cory feels: fortunate but unhappy. He has been given a good hand, yet he finds no joy. 


Like Kennedy, I believe that Cory appeared happy and wealthy; but was lonely. Nowadays, there’s a standard of the “American Dream” that is embedded in the North American Culture, where we have to ‘make it or break it’. You see this, especially, in America, where ppl are based on the materialistic part of life, filling their lives with expensive items–like fancy cars and jewelry. However, we find that these ppl with the most tangible things in life are unhappy and striving to fill that emptiness inside them with more physical items. Robinson might be feeling this himself, b/c he was also a financially fortunate man, and was personifying these feelings through this poem. 



    Symbolism signs ( 3 signs identified, annotated )


Conflict highlighted ( distinguish 2 types, explain if 

internal/external, annotated, explained )


Irony ( 3 examples, can be any type of irony, must explain 

how it is that type of irony, annotated )





As Richard Cory walks downtown: “We people on the pavement looked at him”             ( Robinson 2 ). The downtown area represents poverty: these people are homeless and don’t have many possessions so they look up at him both from the pavement and in awe. They want the riches and leisure he has as they say, “to make us wish that we were in his place” ( Robinson 12 ). 


Those who live downtown speak of their working conditions: “So on we worked, and waited for the light” ( Robinson 13 ). The light could represent change. They are hoping their situation will change whether thats due to society changing and helping them or a new opportunity that could get them back on their feet. 


Richard Cory is described as “imperially slim” ( Robinson 4 ). This could represent that he has an unhealthy lifestyle. While he has enough food to keep himself healthy and fit he seems to have stopped eating because he has made his choice to commit suicide.  




There are two types of conflict in this story: person vs self and person vs society. 


Richard Cory’s struggle throughout the poem is all in his head. As a wealthy man he has everything he needs and more yet he is unhappy. He gets no pleasure from his possessions. While the people of the downtown area crave what he has he does not. In the end he takes his own life as he believed these riches would make him happy but they have left him unfulfilled. 


The poor people who live downtown are the product of a failed system and government. They should be treated as equals but instead they are treated as outcasts. Left without the basics rights and needs of a human being with no support from the government or those around them. Richard Cory may talk to them and treat them with respect as the people say this about him: “he was alway human when he talked” ( Robinson 6 ). Yet he just ignores the problem and distributes none of his wealth to them. 




When Richard Cory greets people, “good morning” ( Robinson 8 ). This is verbal irony as we later find out he is unhappy and this is the day he decides to commit suicide. 


While Richard Cory shows the image of someone who is free of worry we the readers can tell something is wrong as: “still he fluttered pulses” ( Robinson 7 ). This is an example of dramatic irony as the other characters think he’s alright yet we know something isn’t right as we know his heart is fluttering. 


Richard Cory is a wealthy man and therefore we assume he would be happy yet he, “went home and put a bullet in his head” ( Robinson 16 ). This is situational irony as we would never assume this wealthy man would commit suicide. 


            ____    Author Background (link to background page)

            ____    Other Poetic Devices (3 examples identified and explained,                     annotated) > http://literary-devices.com

            ____    Thematic Statements (2 thematic statements that fit the                     story, also must be explained in 2-3 sentences, end of    

document, annotated)



Authors background

  • Edwin Arlington Robinson grew up in a wealthy family. He was a strong student and fascinated by literature. The poem “Richard Cory” is about a wealthy gentleman who is very proper and admired, “He was a gentleman from sole to crown,” (Robinson). The poem takes a dark turn and ends with Richard Corey shooting himself. The piece relates Robinsons wealthy life to another and how the luxuries of life may not always be what it seems and a person is deeper than just their physical appearance or status. 

    Poetic Devices

  • Metaphor- “Richer than a king” (Robinson), This passage implies that Richard Corey is extremely wealthy. 
  • Alliteration- “people on pavement” (Robinson). The recurrence of the letter “P” creates alliteration.
  • Irony- Corey was portrayed as a successful and happy man, however he commits suisicde. This reflects on how we see others and think that individuals are happy when they have money, however in reality that isn’t always true. 

Thematic statements 

  • “Richard Corey” (Robinson) is the narrative poem about a comfortable charming gentleman who seems to have it all. The townspeople see Corey as superior and favour him for his wealth and appearance, however wealth does not define one’s happiness which we see as the poem unfolds. 
  • Everyone views the world differently, what we see may not always be the whole picture. Richard Corey was solemnly based upon his social status and despite his success he appeared to be quite lonely during the poem. Nobody knew the true Richard Corey, everyone just saw him for his physical appearance which led to his death. 


January 19

Physics 12 magnetism lab

Justin and I conducted an experiment to make a magnetic field using nothing but a battery, copper wire, some paper clips and a singular small magnet.

To create the magnetic field we taped the magnet atop of the battery and attached a paper clip to either side of the battery, the positive and negative ends. We then placed the copper wire in between the two paper clips to make a sort of bridge and close the circuit. This allows electrons to pass through. We noticed that the copper wire began to spin rather quickly as we put it through the paper clips.

The spinning occurs due to both the current and the magnet. The magnet creates a magnetic field with both a positive and negative side. The battery has a positive and negative side as well. As the electrons flow through the copper wire they enter the magnetic field and depending where in the field they are they will either be repulsed or attracted. As one side of the wire is repulsed and the other attracted it spins in a circular motion. The higher volt battery you have the faster it will spin.

Below we have a video of our experiment:
