May 23

Wave interference lab

A standing wave has an interference pattern that stays stationary and it has points called nodes that stay at rest between the interferences. The reason the wave stays stationary is because the interferences have the same amplitude and wavelength.

A constructive interference is when the crest of one wave meets with the crest of another wave along the same medium. The energies are acting on the same particles and they will increase in size when they meet for a short period. This can also occur when a trough meets with another trough.

A destructive interference is when two waves on the same medium cancel out due to being out of phase. What this means is a crest and a trough of two separate waves meet on the same medium and the wave will disappear for a second,


How do noise cancelling headphones use wave interference  to eliminate unwanted sound?

The headphones analyze the sound around you and then create another wave that will create a destructive interference and cancel out the noise.


May 23

Exploring Waves Lab


This is a periodic wave as there are repeated disturbances.


This is a longitudinal wave as the disturbance moves in the same direction as the direction of travel.


This is a transverse wave as the disturbance is at a right angle to the direction the wave will travel.


I don’t seem to have the video of the pulse but it’s the same as a periodic wave except it’s just a single disturbance.



May 10

Thermos Challenge

Thermos Blog Post

1. Planning, Process, Analysis

Prototype Testing Procedure:

Goal: The goal for our procedure is to determine how effective each of our thermos. prototypes are at conserving heat of 150ml of boiling water over time. We also needed to stay within a budget and make it aesthetic pleasing.


-Beaker (250 ml)

-Hot Plate

-Thermometer (Celsius)



-150ml of boiling water


Step 1: Plug in hot plate

Step 2: Fill 250ml beaker with 150 ml of lukewarm water from the tap.

Step 3: Put beaker on hot plate and wait until boiling.

Step 4: Check the temperature of the water and record onto data table. Pour the boiling water into the thermos and wait 15 minutes.

Step 5: Test water temperature loss with a thermometer and check the temperature every 5 minutes until a total of 15 minutes have passed. Make any changes to the design if needed and test using the same procedure.


We put the temperature loss over time on to a chart and will graph all three charts on the same graph at the end. This will help us understand what improvements we could make and what helps and what doesn’t help as much as we thought it would. We organized this by labeling and storing our data in a similar place and fashion.

Prototype 1:

When we made our first prototype, we wanted to use materials that had a low thermal conductivity as these are good insulators. We used a Styrofoam cup and wrapped it in foam underlay so that very little heat would be transferred to the cup. The less conduction means the heat stays in the water rather than transferring to the cup. The biggest change we needed to make was adding a lid. Without a lid the heat was escaping due to convection. Heat rises and without anything to keep it in the cup the temperature was quickly decreasing.

Prototype 2:

This prototype added in the lid, which was also made of foam underlay, another great insulator. The water was losing heat because there was nothing to keep it in. Convection was causing the heat to rise. So, when we added the lid, we saw a large difference as the heat wasn’t able to leave the cup.

Prototype 3:

With the added lid we were able to stop most of the heat loss, but we wanted to add something that would radiate the heat back to the water. So, we decided to add a survival blanket to the lid. The blanket had low thermal conductivity and as it was reflective it radiated heat back to the water. Adding this blanket made a huge difference. We lost way less heat than before.

Temperature vs Time Graph:

2. Final Product:


We picked the design to keep as much heat in from every surface of the cup, while paying especially close attention to the lid/top. The reason for surrounding the cup with foam was to limit the spread or transfer of energy to outside of the cup. The foam had a low thermal conductivity which meant that it will not lose heat energy to conduction and transfer it elsewhere. We put foam all around the cup and the cup itself was also Styrofoam. We put a safety blanket on top of the lid to keep heat in. We know that heat energy rises, and this is called convection. We also knew that the heat would radiate upwards so having a safety blanket with a low conductivity, but a high reflection would help stop the spread of the heat energy and reflect the radiating heat back into the thermos, limiting heat loss and transfer. We feel that therefore the final thermos was effective, because of low conductivity and reflection of the rising heat. We were able to achieve the goal of the assignment of losing less that 25 degrees in 45 minutes. Our thermos could have been better however, with different materials we could have limited heat loss even more, if we had more resources this would be the case as well. Using thicker foam to surround the cup would be crucial for minimizing heat transfer to outside the cup. All of the materials we used had a very low thermal conductivity to prevent transfer of heat. The type of tape used was different in the final product and we also put the blanket on top instead but everything else was the same as prototype 3. The tape was better at holding what it needed to in place.



April 11

Newton’s laws of motion

Motion Commotion

One day Frog, Pig, and Cheetah decided they would go to the beach and get ice cream as it was a warm summer day. To get to the beach the group of friends would have to go up and down the muddy hills and trek through the mountains. When the group got to the hills the Cheetah suggested, “let’s all roll down and see who gets to the bottom first!” His friends agreed and they all counted “three, two, one, go!” At the start Frog and Cheetah were in the lead while Pig was having a slow start but then suddenly pig rolled right by Frog and Cheetah. Pig won the race!

Cheetah grumbled, “how could Pig win? I’m the fastest creature there is!” Frog replied, “he won because of Newton’s first law of motion and because he has greater inertia.” “What are you talking about?” Asked both Cheetah and Pig. So Frog decided he would teach them Newton’s three laws of motion: “Newton’s first law states that a moving object will continue to move at the same speed unless there is a another force acting on it. Pig started to slow down when he rolled out of the mud and onto the grass as the grass creates friction. This force acts against him so he started to slow down, if he had stayed in the mud he would have kept going. This is due to ideal conditions or in other words no friction; the mud causes no friction so Pig would continue at the same speed down the hill.” “But we all went into the grass so why did he continue moving past us?” Asked Cheetah. “Pig has greater inertia because he is bigger and this means it’s harder for him to stop once he starts moving.” Replied Frog. “That’s really cool! Will you teach us the other laws?” Said Pig. “I will as we continue our journey.” Said Frog.

The three friends eventually made it to the path that would take them through the mountains. The path wasn’t very well kept so it had many cracks and holes in the ground. As the friends walked they found a turtle; his car’s wheel seemed to be stuck in one of the cracks so it had stopped. The three of them wanting to help worked together to push the car out of the crack. The car then began to speed up and after the turtle said thank you he drove off. “That was an example of Newton’s second law.” Said Frog. “What do you mean?” Said Pig. “Earlier when Pig was rolling down the hill he continued at a constant speed because there was no applied force such as a push; but when we pushed the car it began to accelerate. This is because when we pushed the car the force from the push was greater than the force from the rocks. So the law states when one force is greater than the other the object will accelerate.” “So it’s a good thing we helped!” Said Cheetah.

The group finally made it to the beach and before grabbing ice cream Frog suggested they go for a swim and that he would teach them the final law. “So the third and final law is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When I swim and kick back I’m pushing against the water. The water then pushes me forward while also keeping me afloat. The harder I kick back the further I will go forward as the force of the reaction is equal to the force of the action. So those are the three laws of motion.” “Well thanks for teaching us Frog!” Said Pig. “Now let’s go get some ice cream!” Said Cheetah. So they all got ice cream and spread kindness where they went for an act of kindness can continue from person to person and all it takes is one act to make it accelerate.

The End

January 8

Minority Should Not Mean Inequality

By grade 12 I hope to improve the amount of evidence in my writing and I need to be straight to the point giving my best examples. I could have added more evidence as it would help provide a more compelling argument as well as helping my thesis through examples. Secondly I need to get better at having just my strongest points. I tend to have some weaker evidence in my writing when I could have a stronger argument. I am proud that I chose two sources that may not seem similar from first glance. For example I didn’t choose two First Nations poems but rather I found similarities between two identities that are quite different. I did this to challenge myself and it was somewhat challenging but I got past that.


Minority Should Not Mean Inequality

Minority identities deal with many conflicts due to the fact that they are different from the majority of people. So what conflicts may arise when one has a minority identity? Alex Dang presents the conflicts he faces and the effects they have in his poem “What Kind of Asian Are You?” As he is Asian-American, he faces these himself and this has influenced his writing. The second source is a TED Talk called “50 Shades of Gay” presented by iO Tillett Wright. She speaks about the conflicts the LGBTQ community faces. These two speakers both face similar conflicts although their identities are very different. Alex Dang faces challenges and conflicts due to his race whereas iO Tillett Wright faces these due to her sexual preferences and choice of gender. Although the reasons why they face these conflicts are different: they do share common conflicts such as discrimination, feeling unaccepted, and losing parts of their identity. Both sources speak up about these conflicts to provide understanding and to help humanize these minority identities who, although different, are still human.

Both Asian-Americans and the LGBTQ community fall prey to discrimination. Alex speaks about discrimination when he says, “Let me tell you about derogatory terms and origins of words such as chink and gook,” ( Dang ). They are called names and treated as lesser just because of their race and this certainly has a hurtful effect. Even though Alex is American many people still discriminate against him because he is also Asian. He is American but people only look at his appearance and judge him because of it. The LGBTQ community feels the effects of discrimination as well. IO states, “You can legally be fired just for your sexuality,” ( Wright ). The LGBTQ community faces this type of discrimination because they do not have the same rights as everyone else. They may be different but they have the same basic needs as everyone else such as housing. This discrimination can have a lasting affect such as shame of their culture or sexuality.

As these minorities are different from what is considered normal they are often unaccepted for who they are. Whether this is due to a difference in race or a difference in what someone believes is sexually correct. Alex says, “I still feel the shame of being Asian,” ( Dang ). He does not feel accepted and is treated as though it is wrong to be Asian. He feels he has to change to be more American even though he himself is American, but those around him see him for his skin colour and race. IO grew up in a very accepting neighbourhood and with parents who encouraged her but that is not the case with everyone. She talks about people who were not as accepting when she says, “I met people who legally divorced their children for being anything other than straight.” ( Wright ). One may be fearful to express their sexuality as there are those who do not agree with them. This can cause internal conflict and make them feel isolated from others.

When one is part of a minority identity other people may start to assume things about them due to a lack of knowledge. This can lead to a loss of identity, for they are not seen as themselves but as a part of that group. This tends to lead to hurtful stereotypes as well. Alex mentions this loss of identity when he says, “Every time you confuse me with some other nationality that I might share similar features to is stripping away my individuality,” ( Dang ). He loses parts of his identity because people only see him for his culture rather than for who he is. The same is true for iO. She talks about being put into boxes. She says, “Because really, they describe nothing that we see and no one that we know and nothing that we are,” ( Wright ). When people call her gay they do not encompass everything that she is and thus she loses part of her identity.

In conclusion both of these minorities face similar conflicts due to being different. While they both have different identities they are more similar than different. Although they face these challenges they find the courage to speak up and bring awareness to these issues and hopefully create change. These differences should not lead to fear and hate but rather should be acknowledged and accepted. This way in the future a minority identity will feel accepted and not face these same conflicts.


Works Cited

Wright, Tillett. “Fifty Shades of Gay.” Ted, Ted, 2012,

Dang, Alex. “Alex Dang – ‘What Kind of Asian Are You?” (NPS 2013).” YouTube, YouTube, 29 Jan. 2014,


December 7


In your opinion, based on the theme of this story, how has Canadian history and attitudes shaped the First People of Canada’s identity?

The Canadians tried to assimilate the First Nations and by doing so the First Nations lost a lot of their culture and knowledge. They would pass down knowledge orally from generation to generation so when the children were put into residential schools they didn’t have a chance to learn from their elders. This has led to the loss of aboriginal knowledge and stories. There has also been lasting affects on the aboriginal people such as abusive parenting and alcohol abuse. But against all the odds the First Nations people have persisted and survived. This story shows the persistence of the First Nations people even though the Canadian government took actions to get rid of them. They won’t be silenced just as the totem poles couldn’t be kept silent.

November 29

Leading with love will set you right

Leading with love will set you right

The two most effective ways to lead are with love and fear. It is the people who decide which suits them best. The novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a story about a group of boys who are stuck on an uninhabited island and must choose the leader that will ensure their survival. Either Jack, who leads with fear, or Ralph who leads with love. The second source is the movie Braveheart directed by Mel Gibson. It focuses on William Wallace, the leader of the Scottish in their fight against oppression at the hands of the British. Leadership is about using the responsibility given to make the best decisions for the people, therefore, leading with love is more effective as it puts the peoples’ needs first and one will gain the loyalty of their people.

A leader who uses love listens to their people and will work to achieve their interests. To make sure the people are heard, a leader may use democracy; Ralph from Lord of the Flies creates a democracy to keep order and to make sure everyones’ opinions are heard. When they come to a consensus he organizes and leads them. Ralph has influence but the power is in the hands of the people. Ralph doesn’t abuse his position but makes sure the people come first. For example, he puts the people first when he states, “The fire’s the most important thing. Without the fire we can’t be rescued. I’d like to put on war paint and be a savage. But we must keep the fire burning” (Golding, 156). Ralph has listened to the boys and they want to escape the island so he makes the fire top priority. He sacrifices his personal desires to do what the people need. He was chosen as the leader because he cares for the people he is in charge of and will do what they ask of him. William Wallace shares similar qualities with Ralph. William Wallace hears his people’s cry for freedom and he steps up to lead the people he loves. They fight for him because he fights for them and he shows his devotion to their cause. William Wallace gives everything for his people’s freedom. One of the best qualities within both these leaders is their selflessness; they put the people first and themselves second. They do this because of their love for the people.

A leader’s success depends on the people they lead. If the leader shows their people respect they will earn the people’s loyalty. William Wallace gains the loyalty and respect of the men because he leads through example; he is brave and fights with them. When he says, “They may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom” (Gibson). He stands by these words and gives his life for the cause, but he dies a free man as he does not give in. He becomes a martyr and his dream of a free Scotland comes true; the Scottish rally, inspired by
their leader and gain their freedom.William Wallace even gains the respect of the man who betrayed him, Robert the Bruce. Robert promises to help William but gives into the fear that they will fail in their rebellion. Robert loses his honour when he gives into fear. He later shows his respect for William when he says, “I have nothing. Men fight for me because if they do not, I throw them off my land and I starve their wives and their children. Those men who bled the ground red at Falkirk, they fought for William Wallace, and he fights for something that I never had.” (Gibson). Robert realizes that fear is not the way to lead as he is not truly free. Robert eventually regains his honour when he steps up to lead the Scottish and he leads with love as William did. All the men who fight with William realize while they have something to lose they have more to gain. They may be killed in their fight against the tyranny of Britain but at least they die as free men instead of living as peasants.

Leading with fear can certainly be effective as it is a powerful motivator. For example Jack uses the boys’ fear of the beast to get them to leave Ralph and join his tribe. While he is in charge he has authority and power so the boys will not go against his commands. Jack can do as he pleases because the boys have no voice. But that is the problem. Jack has no responsibility to the boys so he enforces his will onto the tribe instead of listening to what they want. It is alright for a leader to have power if they use it to help their people, but Jack abuses his power. He uses it against them such as using torture to keep fear in the boys. Jack gained his power as many dictators do. Dictators will make promises in return for power. Jack promised meat and protection if the boys joined him. The main reason they follow him is due to fear of the beast and if they had realized there is no beast then they would no longer need protection from Jack. That is the problem with using fear, the leader has to keep that fear within their subjects to stay in power. They will eventually show a sign of weakness or be unable to keep that fear and they will be overthrown.

In conclusion people will prefer a leader who uses love as they feel cared for and they can trust the leader will make the best decisions for them. Ralph and William Wallace lead with love and because of this they respect what the people want. They work for the people and thus gain their loyalty and trust. They are more likely to succeed in their goals as they are all working together towards a common goal that benefits everyone evenly. A leader who uses love is put in power for this exact reason: they are there to benefit the people and those who use fear lead so they can have power. Leading with love leads to a mutual trust and trust builds strength within a society.


My Citations

Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. Faber and Faber, 1954.

Gibson, Mel, director. Braveheart. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2011.

I’m proud of this essay as I believe I gave a compelling argument with plenty of evidence to back it up. I worked really hard and am happy with my results but there is room for improvement. I want to improve my quotes as I didn’t have as many as I should and the ones I had could have been stronger. The second thing I want to improve is using a variety of different sources. I used two and they were both fictional so I could have used more and found real life sources. Overall I feel like I did a good job and have improved in my writing.


October 4

Fear photo

This photo portrays my fear of bears and the second photo is where i ran into one, this happened fairly recently and I saw the bear when I was walking to school. This fear affects me as I try and avoid bears, it isn’t terrible as I will still go camping or go on a hike but if there is a bear around I will stay well away. I have been scared of bears for a long time. As a kid i saw them and they were huge, this is probably why that fear has stuck with me. The only way to minimize the power this fear has on me is to face it but as that isn’t very safe I will have to live with the fear and hopefully outgrow it. Throughout this exercise I realized that this fear of bears has stayed with me for a long time and I hope that changes.

September 24

Why does one seek acceptance?

Why does one seek acceptance?

The book Wonder, by R.J. Palacio, is about Auggie’s struggles in middle school due to a disorder that makes him look different from the other students. Auggie Pullman has been homeschooled his whole life but has made the decision that he wants to go to middle school for the first time. At first he isn’t accepted by the students as he looks different, he is bullied and goes through struggle. Eventually he starts to make friends as they realize once you get to know him he is a very kind and funny person. He still faces bullying but as he makes more friends he gains confidence and doesn’t let how he looks stop him from being himself. He is finally accepted by his school and learns that people will accept him for who he is. Humans discriminate against those who are different. Auggie seeks acceptance because he wants to fit in and be treated the same as everyone else. 



September 6

Math Scavenger

Joel, Jesse, Boom, and Jhun

We were all partners for this project

These are parallel lines as they never cross

These are perpendicular lines as they cross at a 90 degree angle

right angle, a right angle is two lines that meet at a 90 degree angle


acute angle, any angle less than 90 degrees

obtuse angle, any angle greater than 90 degrees





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