Category Archives: English 9

Tuesday May17th, 2022

Good Afternoon!

Yesterday, you were to complete the following for homework:

  1.  If the Writing Thesis Statements Document is not complete during class, please complete at home.We will have another homework check.
  2. Essay Outline Body #2:  please complete this paragraph on your outline
  3. Say Mean Matter Worksheet:  Please add in two more quotes that will be used to support your ideas in Body paragraph #2.
  4. Spoken Word:  start to think of ideas/topics that you will use in your spoken word.

Novel Essays: If you do not finish this in class, please complete for Homework.

  1. Today, we will add on two more quotes to our “Say Mean Matter” Document.  These will be the two quotes that you use in your body #3.
  2. We will complete the Outline –Body #3 and conclusion.


Taylor Mali “What do teachers make?”

Martin Luther King

-We will be working on Spoken word:  we will look at a few samples of Rants…


*Spoken Word:  Brainstorming activity

Warm up spoken word free write activity:  Practice writing with imagery that includes all five senses.  Students describe an abstract or intangible entity using all senses:  what do they look, sound, smell, taste and feel like?

Examples:  Choose 2 of the following examples and write for five minutes each using imagery/sensory language.

a. homesickness

b. grief

c. love

d. joy

e. emptiness

f.  time

g. envy

Spoken Word Activities:

*Techniques for Creating Word Play

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*Word Play Activity

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Monday May 16th, 2022

Good Afternoon,

Today, we will be starting Spoken Word as well as continuing to work on our essay for The True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.

Head’s Up:  Homework check.  We will be coming by to make sure your essay is on track.  The following should be complete.

  1.  Essay Outline (intro and Body #1)
  2. “Say Mean Matter” Worksheet for the first two quotes that would be in body #1.

*Thesis Statements:  We will practice Thesis Statements (if you cannot write on the document below, please do it on a separate word doc.   You may need to split screens…

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EAD Logo Taking too long?

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  1.  If the Writing Thesis Statements Document is not complete during class, please complete at home.
  2. Essay Outline Body #2:  please complete this paragraph on your outline
  3. Say Mean Matter Worksheet:  Please add in two more quotes that will be used to support your ideas in Body paragraph #2.
  4. Spoken Word:  start to think of ideas/topics that you will use in your spoken word.

-Spoken word criteria:  We will have some overlap in our units due to timing –but I wanted you to have enough time to work on this.

The first document below is an old document but there are a few things I would like to talk to you about regarding spoken word.




Sarah Key



“When Love Arrives”

“Somewhere in America”

Taylor Mali “What do teachers make?”

Martin Luther King

-We will be working on Spoken word:  we will look at a few samples of Rants…




*Spoken Word:  Brainstorming activitiy

Warm up spoken word free write activity:  Practice writing with imagery that includes all five senses.  Students describe an abstract or intangible entity using all senses:  what do they look, sound, smell, taste and feel like?

Examples:  Choose 2 of the following examples and write for five minutes each using imagery/sensory language.

a. homesickness

b. grief

c. love

d. joy

e. emptiness

f.  time

g. envy

Spoken Word Activities:

*Techniques for Creating Word Play

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EAD Logo Taking too long?

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*Word Play Activity

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EAD Logo Taking too long?

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Friday May 13th, 2022

Good Morning,

*Silent Reading

*Friday Writes:

  • Sometimes people are unable to control the directions of their own lives
  • The important things in life endure over time.
  • Risks
  • Hope

In addition, the Friday Writes Best Copy and Portfolio will be due on June 3rd, 2022.  Here is the document that will guide you through this.  If you have been keeping up with your writes, this should only be a matter of editing your best copy.

*Essays:  We will return to our essays…we will now add on body #1 and 2


Wednesday May 4th, 2022

Good Afternoon!

*Silent Reading

*No Red Ink:  Conclusion Paragraphs and Counterargument Paragraphs.

*Literature Circle Discussion:  We did not do this yesterday so we will complete this today.  For some of your groups it may be the last discussion.

*COL/Novel Flipbook:  You will have time to work on this assignment.

Monday May 2nd, 2022

Good Afternoon!

*Silent Reading

*Conflict Charts:  fill in the following chart on the paper provided

Example of Conflict in Novel Connection:  Novel example of Conflict to my own life.

*Role Sheets for Literature Circle Discussions