Good Afternoon!
*Silent Reading
*FlipBook Assignment: should have been submitted last night.
*Expository Writing (essays)
Good Afternoon!
*Silent Reading
*FlipBook Assignment: should have been submitted last night.
*Expository Writing (essays)
Good Morning!
*Silent Reading
*Literature Circle Discussions: make sure your roles are ready! When you are done your discussion:
a) Make sure you know your reading section for Tuesday’s discussion
b) Make sure you know your role for Tuesday’s discussion
Warm up spoken word free write activity: Practice writing with imagery that includes all five senses. Students describe an abstract or intangible entity using all senses: what do they look, sound, smell, taste and feel like?
Examples: Choose 2 of the following examples and write for five minutes each using imagery/sensory language.
a. homesickness
b. grief
c. love
d. joy
e. emptiness
f. time
g. envy
Spoken Word Activities:
*Techniques for Creating Word Play
*Tic Tac Toe Project