Daily Archives: October 4, 2021

Monday October 4th, 2021

Good Afternoon!

*We will go over the venn diagram on “The Metaphor”

*Head’s Up:  coming up next week….Short Story Test

-Sam the Athlete, House, Forgiveness in Families, Harrison Bergeron, The Tell Tale Heart, The Metaphor, Rules of the Game

(short story summary sheets, short story terms, application of the terms on the short stories.)   You can find terms quizzes…on kahoot or quizlet..

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Monday October 4th, 2021


*Your short story test will be on Thursday October 7th, 2021

What to prepare:

Stories on Test:

1)Identities                              2)  Long Long After School

3) A Teachers’ Rewards         4) The Most Dangerous Game

5) The Waltz                             6) Borders

7) Dave Cooks a Turkey

-know your prose fiction terms  and how to apply terms to the short stories

-Short Answers including synthesis questions between the stories

-1 new story with multiple choice and a paragraph (so review the paragraph template).

*”Dave Cooks a Turkey”: audio


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In groups, look for devices and humour used in Stuart MacLean’s “Dave Cooks a Turkey”.  On office 365 or whatever you may choose, find examples of humour throughout the short story.  What techniques did Maclean use to create humour?



*Synthesis Essays:  You have time to work on these…