Monthly Archives: October 2017

Tuesday October 10th, 2017


I hope you all had a good long weekend!  On Friday, worked on a venn diagram for “The Metaphor” looking at the question: Compare and/or contrast Charlotte’s mother and Ms. Hancock and how they influence Charlotte.  You were also to complete a short story summary for “The Metaphor”.  We also worked on a short story summary for “The Metaphor”

*Reminder:  Short Story Test on Thursday October 12th, 2017

We are going to be divided up into groups of three (random).  You will get one of the 11*14 sheets of questions from the back bulletin board.  Your group will work on reworking these questions into stronger inquiry questions.  *we will review power point on inquiry questions.


*Each question will be written on a on separate sheet of 8*11 sheet of paper…

Essay Question:  Compare and/or contrast Ms. Hancock and Charlotte’s mother and how they influence Charlotte.

-share ideas generated from our Venn Diagram

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Thursday October 5th, 2017


Yesterday, we worked on “no red ink” and completing our “Short Story Summary” for “The Tell Tale Heart”.

-We will go over this summary together as a class.

-We will read the short story “The Metaphor” together as a class.

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*Reminder:  short story unit test next week.

-Sam the Athlete


-Forgiveness in Families

-Harrison Bergeron

-The Tell Tale Heart

-The Metaphor

(short story summary sheets, short story terms, application of the terms on the short stories.)   You can find terms quizzes…on kahoot or quizlet..

-Kahoot!  Let’s practice our short story terms!


-We will finish our day by taking a look at our Inquiry question on the back board.  In groups of three (random), you will be taking a look at these questions, and  re-writing them so that they are even stronger.

*You are to complete “Building Understanding” for “The Tell Tale Heart”.


Wednesday October 4th, 2017


Yesterday we read the short story “The Tell Tale Heart” and then worked on “The Tell Tale Heart Activity Pack”.

*Reminder:  Short Story Unit Test next week

-No Red Ink:  please log in to “No Red Ink”.  We will work on “Building Compound and Complex Sentences”.

-Today, we will go over the questions from “The Tell Tale Heart Activity Pack” as a class

-Short Story summary

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Tuesday October 3rd, 2017


Yesterday we did a reading comprehension quiz on the short story called “The Possibility of Evil”.  You were then to complete a ‘short story summary’ for the short story “Forgiveness in Families”.

-Head’s up…we are nearing the end of our short story unit.  This means that we will have a test on Short Stories next week.

-I’m hoping to give back your quiz for you to go over

-Go over the short story summary for “Forgiveness in Families”

-Today we will read the short story “The Tell Tale Heart” aloud as a class.

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*first open up the following link…there is a pre-reading exercise that we will start with…

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-“The Simpsons” and Tell Tale heart

Short Story Summary

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Monday October 2nd, 2017


Today we will be doing a reading comprehension quiz on a short story called “The Possibility of Evil”.  Don’t stress…it’s not a quiz you could have prepared for and is out of 15 marks.

-We will go over the short story summary for “Forgiveness in Families”.

-If time we will start a “Building Understanding” for “Forgiveness in Families”.