Daily Archives: January 10, 2017

Tuesday January 10th, 2107

Good Morning,

Yesterday we started a group assignment to follow up with our Inquiry. Yesterday, your group should have:

a)  Decided upon an Inquiry Question that you will work on.

b)  Decided  what sources (literature) your group will focus on.  Each member should be responsible for TWO sources.

c) Discussed the division of labour to ensure you all complete on time –aiming toward the answer that your group is aiming for.



  1. Each member should be working on how their source and how it answers their groups Inquiry Question
  2. You should be thinking about how you want your groups information displayed (software/app).  Think about ways to critically and creatively present your sources  answer to the question.
  3. Keep a log of any bibliographic information that should be included.
  4. Start to work on the movie/presentation.

*We need to discuss the presentation date.  We will have to do this next week due to the timeline for report cards:(

*Please remember to Pay for “Bard on the Beach” if you have not yet done so.