Tuesday, 31 May 2016: Homework

List all of the classes that Harry Potter must take at Hogwarts.  These are all listed in the beginning of Chapter 8, and before Harry goes into Snape’s classroom.

You must pick TWO classes and explain what the students learn.  The other classes you may just give a name.


A reminder that your Character Charts will also be due at the end of class tomorrow, Wednesday, 1 June 2016 at 10:10am.  If you would like to take them home and work on them, that is okay.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016: Gateway to “Heavier Drugs”

Congratulations!  You have finished your last session of ChatterHigh!

Today, we will be looking over three other substances considered to be some of the most severe and most dangerous: Heroine, Cocaine, and Ecstasy.

IMPORTANT: On Friday, 3 June 2016 you will have your unit test on Drugs and Substance Abuse.  It will take the entire block.  Please bring any questions you have about the test during class; I will set aside five minutes at the beginning of each block for questions.


Monday, 30 May 2016: GHB/Rohypnol

Watch the following two short videos.  Please use headphones out of respect for your classmates.

Be ready to brainstorm ways to protect yourself from GHB.

IMPORTANT: On Friday, 3 June 2016 you will have your unit test on Drugs and Substance Abuse.  It will take the entire block.  Please bring any questions you have about the test during class; I will set aside five minutes at the beginning of each block for questions.

Samples of Character Maps

Here are some examples of Character Maps to help you create yours for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Sample Character Map 2Sample Character Map 1

Sample Character Map 3

Please remember to bring pencil crayons and felt pens to class tomorrow, (Monday, 30 May 2016) to use on your Character Map.  Keep in mind you must have organization by colour and a picture for each character’s name.

26 May 2016: Harry Potter Character Map Assignment

We are going to be working on your Character Map for a few days a bit at a time while we read through the novel.  This is not something you should finish quickly – make sure it is detailed, neat, and organized.  Please feel free to translate the instructions to your language if you are unsure! =)


What You Need:

  • “Harry Potter” must be in the centre of the whole page.
  • Must show one kind of arrow or shape for characters directly related to Harry.
  • Must show a different kind of arrow or shape for character related to someone else other than Harry (e.g. Ron’s family).
  • Every single character must have a picture with their name (e.g. for Harry Potter you can draw glasses).
  • First, you must complete a Draft.  This must be checked by your teacher before you begin your Good Copy.
  • Your Good Copy must include different colours for different categories to show you understand how different characters are connected.


HOMEWORK: Translate all of what is written above (the instructions for this assignment) into your language.  Email this to your teacher before the start of class tomorrow, Friday, 27 May 2016 at 9:00am.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016: Dangers of Cannabis

After our discussion on steroids and drug study ethics, we will be introducing a new drug.

Lesson on Marijuana/Cannabis.  Keep in mind the concept of the “Gateway Drug.”

– Paragraph One: What is amotivational syndrome? Explain the characteristics of this condition.
– Paragraph Two: Explain why pot is considered a “safe drug” and give reasons as to why it is not.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016: HOMEWORK

Here is a diagram to help you with your chart.


Please remember, your ticket to enter class tomorrow (Wednesday, 25 May 2916) is a) your anatomical chart with 20 facts, and b) your preparation notes for the discussion.  The discussion will focus mainly on the question we started to look at today: is it worth the risk to take substances when the long term effects are unknown, and what are the ethics behind such a study?  Is this possible, or viable, morally speaking?  How would it work?

Tuesday, 24 May 2016: HOMEWORK

Remember to post the following seven terms on your blog with:

1. A Definition

2. A Picture.

Remember: some words have more than one meaning so consider the CONTEXT, like we discussed today in class.

The vocabulary terms are: cauldron, wand, parchment, robes, quill, ink pot, and broomstick.

The title of your post should be: Harry Potter School Supplies.

The tag for your post should be: hpschoolsupplies.


This is due befor the start of class tomorrow, Wednesday, 25 May 2016.
