Spring Break Photo Diary

Don’t forget your “homework” (because it is too fun to be homework) over the break!

Take 8 photos of what you are doing on Spring Break and explain what is happening in the picture in two complete English sentences.

If you left early (before Friday), you have a different version of this assignment, so please do the one that I gave you before you left.


See everyone in a few weeks!

Swimming owl

Friday, 11 March 2016

First, we will be working on our comparison paragraphs.  Practice organizing your three points first BEFORE you write your paragraph.

Afterwards, we may be using our vocabulary in some sort of game…


Have a fantastic and safe Spring Break!  Don’t forget to keep your Photo Diaries!  =)

Friday, 11 March 2016



Job Interviews Review and Dress Rehearsal Today!  Excited to see everyone’s dapper attire!

Don’t forget to bring your questions.  You will also find out the date and time of your interview during class today.


You’ve all worked hard, have a wonderful and safe Spring Break!