digital footprint

how might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?

  • it can affect anybody’s digital footprint in the case of trying to get a job in the future and if they search your name up on the internet and find something bad from your past (maybe in high school ect..) if you were a scandalous and dare devil like teenager and posted about it online then they won’t hire you if you did something illegal or something else of the type.

Image result for i saw your online pics and so did everyone else

  • it can affect future relationships as in if you were an actress for example; (like Meghan Markle, duchess of Sussex). She had a big role in a TV series “Suits” where she did scandalous things on video with another actor. Obviously she is a full grown woman but considering her second husband (Prince Harry) is the son of the Queen, much to her chagrin.

One thought on “digital footprint

  1. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Details or explanations answer the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – Includes appropriate photos or media as instructed
    – Post is completed

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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