Flag Pole Lab Math 10 2019

Flag Pole Lab

For the lab today in math, we had to find out the height of the flagpole. We first measured the height of the person from eye level. My partner was Ben and it was 151cm.

Later, we stood far away and measured the angle. He was holding the thingy and I had to see what angle it was at. It was hard because the string did not stay still, but I managed to see it and it was 44º.

After we measured the angle then we had to measure the distance from us to the flag pole. We used 2 things to measure it. A tape measurer, and the rolling thing. For the tape measurer we got 28ft 5 inches which was 8m 66cm. And from the other thing we got 8m 55cm so it was close.

(i can’t turn the photo)

And after some math we got like over 9m for the measurement of the flag pole.

Trigonometry can be used when you cannot measure with Pythagorus Theorem or when you can’t measure what ever it is, but as long as you have a side and an angle you can find anything.

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