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Mutation Story

  • Part 1: Mutation Story

I’m achrondoplasia, I’m a mutated gene in James’ body. His dad is the one affected by an another achrondoplasia. His gene being the dominant one, there was a chance that their child might be affected by the disorder. It was passed in James’ body. I’m what you call dwarfism. I’m a mutated gene that causes a person to be short. It was a good thing that James’ mother did not have this disorder as well, since if both of the mutated gene was passed to my host, its likely that he will not live for more than a few months after he was born. Being an infant, he survived many things such as death. An infant having the gene disorder dwarfism has a very high chance to die. My host is a strong-willed child. Even though sometimes he was being bullied because of being like a dwarf, he stayed strong.

  • Part 2: The Making of the Mutation Story

1.  What questions did you need to research in order to create your mutation story?

          • What genetic disorder is in the host’s body?

          • What caused the mutation? Was it passed or did it just occurred by some accident?

          • What effects did it do to the host’s body?

          • What is the story of the host? How are they affected? Negative? Positive?

2.  What new or familiar digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

  • I did not use any new tools since it wasn’t needed.

3. What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

• Ask, Acquire, Analyze.

4. How did you verify and cite the information you found?

 • I found facts and used information from Wikipedia and skimmed through the other sites that can prove the facts I read.

5. How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you have done better?

 • It’s not completely that challenging. It was a bit hard since you had to research things. I could’ve done better by using a few more information and a few more parts for the story.


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Gender Inequality / Equality – Emma Watson’s He For She

Click here for the actual article.

Click here for Emma Watson’s full speech.


  • What is this article all about? Who does it involve? Why did you choose this article?

This article is all about feminism. Emma Watson is the main person involved. It is about ‘feminism’ but after reading Emma’s speech, I’ve come to think that what her message is like humanism in my point of view. After all, not only did she mention how unfair it is for girls, she also mentioned of how unfair it is for guys too. She also talked about that the guys should participate in this, too. Also, about how many society issues is because of gender inequality. In her speech, she also spoke about how did the feminism changed throughout the years. She said that feminism insists the girl’s rights, not girls doing or saying whatever they want. I chose this article because it really caught my interest, especially her speech. It’s like she’s saying that we humans should be equal, which is present in almost of the gender inequality / equality articles. But what caught my eye the most is that she clearly knows what feminism means. I’m not a feminist but I’m really attracted to her speech. She is a great model for the feminists.

  • How does this news article relate to the story we are reading- The Friday Everything Changed?

I believe that it relates in the story because girls can’t carry the water bucket. But Alma insisted why can’t girls carry them, which is like asking ‘why can’t girls do what boys do?’ It’s not that they don’t do it because they can’t, I believe Emma said it too, “If anyone is being stereotyped by society’s expectations of being a man or woman, then gender inequality is an issue.” It’s like they can’t carry the water bucket because they are a girl, where they think that girls are weak compared to the boys.