I believe that marijuana should be illegal because it is highly addictive and can affect your personal life. Whenever you take this substance it makes you feel high, making you do things that you wouldn’t normally do. Ruining your relationship with your family and draining your money is a possible outcome when using this substance, you may even end up living in the streets. Another reason for marijuana to be illegal is that it is unhealthy and bad or your health. Marijuana can harm a person’s memory, students who uses this drug has low grades ad are less likely to go to college because of the loss of memory when using this drug. On the other hand, it may be bad for your health but nobody had died from it, no records have said that someone has overdosed from the drug and too much THC in your body will not kill you. Also, medical marijuana is important to a lot of people because it helps relieve nausea, which is a side effect of chemotherapy .





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