Digital Footprint

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  1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least 2 examples.

Digital footprint can affect your future in both negative and positive ways. When you are having a job interview, the interviewer can search your name in social media and see things that you might not want them to see like inappropriate photos or writing, which will probably make you fail the interview. However, on the good side through digital footprint you can show people your accomplishments and things you are successful at. There would be lots of love calls for interview and help you to give good impressions to others, if you used the digital footprint well.


Related imageImage result for social media icons

2. Describe at least 3 strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

The first strategy is to consider before posting. Since your posts follow everywhere you go, you should think if your posts are appropriate and make sure you feel comfortable with the posts. The next strategy is to keep your account in private mode, so strangers won’t be able to access your social media in the first place. The final strategy is try not to post any mean comments on other people’s posts. Remember mean comments hurt other people, but also it follows every where you go. If you only remind these three strategies, you can certainly keep your digital footprint safe and appropriate.


Related imageImage result for no bad comments

3. What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students ? How would you go about telling them?

Information I learned that I would pass on to other students is that digital footprint will become a huge part in our future, so when you are posting any writings or photos please make sure it is appropriate, because it can affect you from getting a career and all other opportunities. I would have a discussion with the other students.


References/sources <Signora Porto, Digital Footprint Survey> <Discover How to Nail Your Next Job Interview, 6/7/2016> <How to spread an idea on the Internet sensationally> <social media watercolor icons> <Zeeshan Haider,Emerging threats to your privacy on social media – know before it’s too late, 2/17/2017> <Stacy Campbell, Bad words, 7/12/2012>