Week 13

This week we learnt about how to graph Reciprocal Functions. There are 4 steps to graphing them,

  1. Graph the Function. Linear or Quadratic
  2. Find the invariant points. The 1 and -1 on on the y axis
  3. Draw in the asymptotes. The horizontal one where y=0 and the vertical one which is the x intercept.
  4. And lastly, you draw the hyperbola, in which you start the in the invariant and draw as close to the asymptotes as you can but never touch as the lines are converging.


Based off the graph you can determine a few things…

There are no x intercepts as the hyperbolas don’t ever touch the x axis

The y intercept in the above graph is located at (0,0.33)

The domain is XER, x does not equal 1/3, because this is the asymptote.

Asymptotes, y=0 and x=1/3. (Note that this is the same as the domain and range.)

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