TOKTW 2015

Name of my host: Ms. Asher, Relation to her: I was her previous student

What is your job title: Teacher

What is your job description: Teach people, she is a grade 7/8 math, science, and French teacher

What duties do you preform at your job: Prepare before school, create lessons, adapt to kids learning levels, evaluate- mark, and of course teach!

What qualifications do you have for this job in the following areas;

a) Training: Bachelor of arts degree and Bachelor of education degree

b) Education: Has an education degree, went to Douglas College, and SFU where she got her art degree. Then went to UBC where she got her education degree

c) Experience: Ms. Asher has been teaching for 12 years and has taught grade 8 for 9 years.

d) Skills and attributes: Ms. Asher is energetic, positive, flexible (She can do the splits but we are talking about the other type of flexible.) She thinks quickly on her feet which comes in handy, is able to adapt to the situations, and she likes kids!

What are some things you like about the job? The people she works with, staff and parents. Likes watching kids develop their own ideas. She likes how every year her class becomes a family (Last year, my year, we were called Asher’s farm.) And lastly, she likes watching kids grow and change and become more mature throughout the year.

What are some things you don’t like about the job? Report cards and evaluating. She doesn’t like giving grades and would rather sit down with the student and their parents and just talk about them.

How do you anticipate this job changing in the next 5 years or so? How we report will hopefully change, Ms. Asher would like a new government that would put more money into education. And there will be an increase in technology.

How do you feel about the technology in schools? I like it and it is a very fun way to learn and it comes in handy but you need a backup plan in case your device breaks down and the district needs to get better wifi!!!

Student Reflection

1. Give three reasons why you would like this job

~I get to be in charge and create lessons and teach how I would want to teach. And people would have to listen to me!!

~I Love watching kids learn and the curriculum for grade 8, even though it will probably change. I think I would have to work with kids older than grade 8 because of maturity.

~I would get to be (hopefully) the teacher everyone wants to get to know, I just look back at Ms. Asher and so many people love visiting her and seeing her and I think that would be amazing if students came back to see me because I made a difference in their lives.

2. Give three reasons why this job is not for you

~It is hard to get a teaching job right now so I would have trouble first of all getting a job and then keeping my job if I’m new in the district (which will happen.)

~I would only work for 10 months and wouldn’t have a job in the summer which would be fun but I would be making no money and I need money to survive.

~Like I said above, I wouldn’t be able to work with young children because of maturity and don’t have the patience to handle elementary school problems.

3. Is this job for you? Why or why not?

 I think I would enjoy this job!! It is super fun and being in a school environment is really fun but being on the other side as a teacher is really neat! I love talking to people and teaching people new things so I think I would be pretty good at it too. But as I said I would need to work with older students so I don’t lose my patience.

4. Explain the value of the TOKTW experience in relation to your ideas about your post secondary plans.

Knowing the training and education you need is very helpful so you don’t spend more money and take extra classes than you need (Because come one who wants to do more than they need to.) Also knowing what it’s like to be something before you actually decide to obtain that job in case you don’t like it or enjoy it!

(I would like to post pictures and videos of my day but I am not aloud to make it public because of some personal things with the families of the children at the school. So if my teacher would like to see a video of the music performance I got to watch today please let me know and I can show you.)

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