Climate Discussion


  1. Summarize the main points of each article and what their overall argument is.

The first Article was from NASA and their main argument was how the Earths orbit changes the amount of solar energy our planet receive affecting our climate. They backed it up with little articles of facts.

The second article was from Forbes and their main argument was believing that global warming is a fraud fro money and they think people are making it up and making it a bigger deal than it needs to be and that is what’s harming us.

The third article is from David Suzuki and their main argument that ignoring climate change won’t make it go away and how the Unites States is ignoring it and this is where we are facing a crisis.

The fourth article was from a website called Friends of Science, and they believe global warming is a joke and not actually happening and it i just the earth’s natural pattern and everything is fine.

The source that I found was a survey taken in the United States about who was scared of Climate Change and what ages were most worried. It showed that mainly people ages 18-34 are the most worried and believe that Climate Change will pose a serious threat to our future. The article was from the Gallup News.

  1. Rank each source based on credibility and explain why.

I think the most credible one would be NASA because of its reputation and what it is known for. As well, it contains scientific proven facts. This is not to say that science can be proven wrong as well. Next would be the David Suzuki Article. Since the David Suzuki foundation is a non-profit organization working to conserve the environment I wouldn’t imagine they would post information not true. The article also contains many scientific facts. Next would be my source because it is calculated related facts which have to be true. But it is just a telephone related survey and the people taking the survey could have tampered with it. Next would be the one from Forbes, it is known for being a credible source but just the fact that they believe global warming is not happening and it is just fraud does not make sense because clearly there are issues with climate change today. And lastly, is the friend on science article because it is some random website found off the internet with no credible information.

  1. Based on what you’ve read, is the globe warming? Is it caused by humans?

Based on what I have i read i believe the globe is warming and it is a problem we are facing today. I believe that has been sped up by humans and if we didn’t emit so much CO2, gases, and greenhouse gases, we would be living in a very different world.

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