Week 5 – Factoring Polynomials

This week we started our new unit, Solving and Analyzing Quadratics. Particularly we focused on Factoring Polynomials.

We were given a acronym to help us remember how to factor. CDPEU (Can divers pee easily underwater) First you look if anything is common (C) and then look is its a difference of squares (D) If not you look you look for the right pattern (P) if it is x^2, x, #. If not you are done, if it is you see if it is an easy expression or an ugly expression (E and U).

Some Examples:

2(x-4)^2 + 16(x-4) +30

First, you would substitute both the x-4 for a. Just to make it simpler to factor.

2a^2 + 16a +30 –> (C) divide 2 from everything

2( a^2 +8a +15) –> (P) It has an easy pattern.

2( a+5)(a+3) – Substitute x-4 back in for a.

2(x-4+5)(x-4+3) – Collect like terms in the brackets






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