
Equality, such a big word with many different meanings. To be qual can mean so many different things to anyone. I believe that as a society we will never reach the meaning of equality that we would like. Someone will always have more money, be smarter, be stronger, have something you would like. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, society and the world can never be equal because society is greedy. The definition of equality is to be the same or have the same, this is why a perfect society will never be featured on earth. I believe in a good society. One where people are nice, the poor are helped and the rich are humble. These two groups are obviously not equal but does that matter when everyone is kind. A perfect society would be somewhere where no matter your circumstances you are kind and good. This way it wouldn’t matter if you are “equal” to person in front of you in the grocery line, all that matters is that the rich man standing in front of you donated to the small charity waiting outside because he has more than them and can now feel good and help out someone in need who may not have life so easy. Equality is a great idea but can never be reached without destroying the beautiful creativity the world has come to know, and a equal society will never be reached because of the greedy people in the world.

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