

The power you contain

In the video above we see people doing kind acts that lead to others reaching out to help someone who may need it or brighten some ones day, this relates to one of the themes in the Whirligig, Inter-connectedness. So far in the Whirligig we have read about Brent’s journey after he tried to kill himself but actually killed Lea. A grade 12 student with a bright future ahead of her. Lea’s mom asks Brent to make four whirligigs representing Lea and place them in the four corners of the United States. Brent. Along this journey, Brent meets some people who have changed his view on life and became a mentor in his life.

Brent himself is causing ripple effects on others as he builds these whirligigs like the Puerto-Rican man. Has he grows up he gets married and has a child who passes away at the age of one. When he has another child his wife is very cautious and her parents come to live with them. This also relates to the theme as one child passed away so know it has caused the wife to be over protective. It is a full house with lots of noise and arguing so this man  decides to take a drive. As he stops for lunch he sees a wooden band, the whirligig Brent made, and it distracts the man a changes his thoughts which answers one of our EQ questions “How do others affect our lives?” This Whirligig of the band then makes him think about harmony and how they all work together to create beautiful music, so he goes back to his family. “People are always in a group. Like that little wooden band. And whenever there’s a group there is fighting. If the people in a group get along, maybe they would make good music instead of arguing.” Pg. 62.

Brent is connected to the people he has affected with his whirligigs, whether it be Steph or the Puerto-Rican man or any other characters we meet a long this journey. But Brent is also connected to the people who have affected him, such as Lea. Without her and the tragic accident Brent wouldn’t have made the whirligigs, which wouldn’t have lead the Puerto-Rican man back to his family. Everyone in this book is connected and influence by other’s actions. Brent doesn’t realize the power of his actions and how they are influencing others life, but they happen for a reason and the outcome is beautiful.

1 comment on “Inter-connectednessAdd yours →

  1. Jenna – well done. Strong writing and great insights! I love the video and the circularity of it.

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