Math 9 Final Review 2017

I chose to review the solving equations unit.


The equation I’m going to be solving is:                                         -0.11(3a+5) = 0.37(2a-1)

Step 1 to solving this equation                                                          -0.113a = -0.33a                  0.372a = 0.74a

is to distribute the number outside                                                 -0.115 = -0.55                      0.37-1 = -0.37

the parenthesis to the numbers inside


Step 2, once you have your equation                                                                    -0.33a-0.55 = 0.74a-0.37

rewritten you need to isolate the variable.                                                                      +0.37            +0.37

To do this I started by adding +0.37  on both sides .                                                    = o.18

Now I’m left with the equation                                                                                 -0.33a+0.18 = 0.74a

Next I added -0.33a on both sides                                                                          +0.33a             +0.33a

I’m left with    +0.18 = 1.07a    as my new equation


Step 3 is to divide 1.07a on both sides so I’m left                                                      0.18 = 1.07a

with just the variable on the left side and a new                                                    ____      ____

number on the left                                                                                                             1.07a           1.07a

My final answer is   -0.17=a


After solving an equation it’s important to verify the solution. To verify this, I’m replacing the “a’s” in the equation with -0.17 because that’s what “a” is equal to.

-0.11 [(3•-0.17)+5] = 0.37 [(2•-0.17)-1]

0.056 -0.55 = -0.13 -0.37

-0.494   = -0.5

If both numbers on both sides of the equation sign are equal, then you know that -0.17=a is true.

Once I round -0.494 up to the closest decimal it will be equal to -0.5

Therefore -0.5 =-0.5





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