Blog Log One – ‘Super Healthy’ College Student Dies of Rare Covid-19 Complications – New Media 11

Blog Log One, 

‘Super Healthy’ College Student Dies of Rare Covid-19 Complications

The title drew me to the article, because I became curious to know what the reason was that this college student died due to Covid-19 if he was ‘super healthy’. Most people believe that if they’re young, fit and think they’re perfectly healthy, that this virus can’t dramatically affect them and their everyday lives. This article was written to inform people that of they believe those things, that they are completely wrong. That everyone has to do their part to keep themselves and those around them safe by taking safety precautions. The tone and style of this article is informal. Instead of it having a more complex style of writing, the article seems to be directed more towards younger people to specifically inform them and direct them to this story to read. I have learned both from being tested for Covid-19 and having to self-isolate and reading this article that younger adults and teens think that this virus won’t affect them as bad as it would for elders. But, they have failed to realize that it is easier to get the virus than they think. Speaking from personal experience, when I had to get tested, my friends continued to hang out, even though they knew I could’ve spread it to them. I feel like younger generations have failed to realize that when they put themselves at risk, they put their friends, classmates, family, parents, their jobs, co-workers and who they work with at risk. This article made me reflect on how careless I have been about what I touch and thinking that if I got Covid-19 that it wouldn’t be a big deal. But instead it is something I should be cautious about and I shouldn’t take it lightly.