Français 12 – Réflexion de compétences essentielles – Débat minoritaires

Reflection questions:

What was the most challenging element of the debate project for you personally? Did you overcome that challenge and if so, how did you do so?

For me, the most challenging element of the debate project was making sure I was able to get my points across in a way that my classmates and I could comprehend and relate to. My partner and I chose a topic that is often debated in media and so we had to find new points and counterpoints to what we could find with a simple search. I feel as if I did overcome this challenge as after doing a lot of research and looking at both sides I was able to make sure that although I did not agree with the other side I could understand and predict what kind of questions were potentially going to be asked by fellow classmates. I also did some research by talking to other people in my life and used social media to gain more points and information on how professional truly athletes feel instead of another article from a journalist.

How did this project (as presenter or listener) change your perspectives?

As a presenter, this project made me see the importance of debates and that it can often be hard to get a point across to everyone especially to those who cannot relate to the topic being presented. I enjoyed seeing other presentations when students chose topics that did have a challenge as to which perspective to be a part of and how it could be hard but also fun to learn about a new topic. My perspectives didn’t necessarily change on the topics presented however, I do feel I learned more about certain issues that I don’t often see or hear about.

What were you most proud of in your project?

I am most proud of the way that I did not choose a side at first, whether I agreed with our topic or not I tried to ensure that before a side was chosen I made sure to have a clear point for each side. After I chose a side I stuck with it and did my best to make sure to have as many counter-arguments that students may have already covered and ready. I chose a subject that both my partner and I can relate to as female althetes, this established a clear amount of passion and energy that we were able to properly offer for our debate. Although I was hesitant at first, I learned a lot about the subject we chose and how just because there may seem to be a clear answer, it is a matter of proving and believing it rather than just stating a fact.

Button Creation

  • What are some things that were challenging?

I found it challenging to align the paper correctly with the circle before turning it into a button. I also realized that the Cricut did not even cut each circle design the same, which is why I had to print multiple circles so that I would have more options in case one is missed incorrectly. I have prior experience with using the button maker however, in the past I was not able to successfully make a larger button, so this time I worked slower and made sure to hold down longer so it did come out correctly.

  • What are some things that worked well?

Some things that worked well for me were taking advice from other students who had already completed their button as well as taking advice from the librarians. A few things I did that worked well were printing more than one circle to have extras in case it didn’t go well, double-checking the correct size circle and also doing a practice button to make sure I could get it to work correctly.

  • What did you learn? How can you apply this?

I learned that making buttons is a really simple and fun project to do, I can make any design and wear it/put it anywhere. There are so many ways a button can be used and also such a good way to express your own creativity. For this project, I had to make my own personal tech team button for when I am in the wave or giving any tech support in school. I put my name on the pin as well as “Tech Team” and for my tech’ish image, I chose wifi since I am constantly using it and it keeps me connected to what’s going on around the world.

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