My project was created using the knowledge I gained from Trevor Noah’s Book ‘Born A Crime’. Using many different ways to express my understanding and learning throughout this unit and the parts that I related to myself.
My project was created using the knowledge I gained from Trevor Noah’s Book ‘Born A Crime’. Using many different ways to express my understanding and learning throughout this unit and the parts that I related to myself.
For me, the most challenging element of the debate project was making sure I was able to get my points across in a way that my classmates and I could comprehend and relate to. My partner and I chose a topic that is often debated in media and so we had to find new points and counterpoints to what we could find with a simple search. I feel as if I did overcome this challenge as after doing a lot of research and looking at both sides I was able to make sure that although I did not agree with the other side I could understand and predict what kind of questions were potentially going to be asked by fellow classmates. I also did some research by talking to other people in my life and used social media to gain more points and information on how professional truly athletes feel instead of another article from a journalist.
As a presenter, this project made me see the importance of debates and that it can often be hard to get a point across to everyone especially to those who cannot relate to the topic being presented. I enjoyed seeing other presentations when students chose topics that did have a challenge as to which perspective to be a part of and how it could be hard but also fun to learn about a new topic. My perspectives didn’t necessarily change on the topics presented however, I do feel I learned more about certain issues that I don’t often see or hear about.
I am most proud of the way that I did not choose a side at first, whether I agreed with our topic or not I tried to ensure that before a side was chosen I made sure to have a clear point for each side. After I chose a side I stuck with it and did my best to make sure to have as many counter-arguments that students may have already covered and ready. I chose a subject that both my partner and I can relate to as female althetes, this established a clear amount of passion and energy that we were able to properly offer for our debate. Although I was hesitant at first, I learned a lot about the subject we chose and how just because there may seem to be a clear answer, it is a matter of proving and believing it rather than just stating a fact.
I found it challenging to align the paper correctly with the circle before turning it into a button. I also realized that the Cricut did not even cut each circle design the same, which is why I had to print multiple circles so that I would have more options in case one is missed incorrectly. I have prior experience with using the button maker however, in the past I was not able to successfully make a larger button, so this time I worked slower and made sure to hold down longer so it did come out correctly.
Some things that worked well for me were taking advice from other students who had already completed their button as well as taking advice from the librarians. A few things I did that worked well were printing more than one circle to have extras in case it didn’t go well, double-checking the correct size circle and also doing a practice button to make sure I could get it to work correctly.
I learned that making buttons is a really simple and fun project to do, I can make any design and wear it/put it anywhere. There are so many ways a button can be used and also such a good way to express your own creativity. For this project, I had to make my own personal tech team button for when I am in the wave or giving any tech support in school. I put my name on the pin as well as “Tech Team” and for my tech’ish image, I chose wifi since I am constantly using it and it keeps me connected to what’s going on around the world.
Question 1: What are some initiatives\things\volunteering you have been involved with? Describe what you have done, and the amount of time you have spent.
I was involved in a couple of different initiatives at the end of last school year I came to school and did a couple of different mini-projects to make sure I understood how to use the cricket and the 3d printer. I created a template on the cricket and made sure the sizing and alignment were correct, I then printed it and put the design onto my phone case. I then used tinkercad to create a ring to print onto the 3d printer and even though our measurements ended up being too small I still gained more practice using the machine.
Since the beginning of this year, I have been spending a few of my D block spares sitting in the wave and assisting students with any tech issues they may have. I also do my best to see if the librarians need any help and take some time to better familiarize myself with the makerspace.
A few days before the first day of school, I came to school to help out with the digital BootCamp for the grade nines. I made sure I understand what the plan was and after we got our class of students I helped to explain edublog and the mini assignments they had.
Question 2: What are some things you have learned? Describe any challenges, aha moments, small wins…What did you learn from it?
Some small wins/aha moments I have had would definitely be while helping students in the wave. Since I don’t have a ton of experience with tech support except for tech team last year I find it pretty exciting when I am able to help students with issues I have never had or fixed before.
Another aha moment would be when I was making bigger buttons with the button machines. I had some experience working with these last year at the french night our french department held, however, I was never able to make big buttons and for some reason, it would never work properly. When I was making my tech team button a few weeks ago, I decided to give the big button maker another chance and ended up realizing that I was aligning the pin part incorrectly at first and also I was not pushing harder enough before, I now got it to work properly.
Question 3: What can I improve and/or accomplish? Focus on technology, leadership and school culture.
To improve the schools culture I think it is important to greet students when they enter the library and I am sitting up at the wave, letting them know that if they need help with anything technology related I can help them. This also shows leadership and with being in grade 12 I find it is important to show the rest of the school to be kind to each other and that the library is a welcoming space for everyone.
Empathize – A problem I recently discovered in my family was how my sister and I both only enjoy having thinly sliced apples instead of standard slices. I knew that my sister and I needed to eat more fruits, and we had never really enjoyed eating apples. My sister specifically never liked how apples had such a strange texture sometimes and would never eat apples when they were thinly sliced. When we would have apples we always would cut them into the regular thick slices so it was easier but she would never eat and enjoy eating them like that and it would always be more dangerous and time-consuming to make thinner cuts. This is why I decided to create this slicer guide that would help to cut thinly sliced fruits or vegetables, quicker and easier.
Define – My limitations when creating this were the fact that the 3D print material is not food safe therefore I would not be able to actually use it in reality. This is why I decided to make a much smaller version than I would’ve actually wanted. Also, there is the problem that all apples are not the same size and therefore I would have to make them bigger than the size of a standard apple. The same problem for knives as well, if a larger knife were to be used to make the design the apple slices would become much thinner or fewer slices. However, if a thinner/smaller knife was used then the slices could end up bigger. I also believe that the design could confuse many people as it may seem that the plastic part is supposed to slice the apple and that there is no need for a knife.
To build my prototype I needed to have the rough dimensions of a standard apple as well as the rough dimensions of a standard knife. However, since I am not able to use this since it is food safe the specific dimensions were not as important. If I was able to use this for apples, I would purchase a few apples that I usually have at home and measure their circumference when sliced in half. I would also probably measure the knife that I use the most and have those as the dimensions for my final print.
What did I build and why?
I build a veggie/fruit slicer so anyone who enjoys or needs thinly sliced fruits or vegetables can be able to cut them safer and quicker with ease. I think this would also speed up time when slicing things like onions for a soup or salad, or cucumbers for dipping. Although I originally designed this for my sister, I think it is so universal in the culinary world since it is so simple and easy. It can also help people who maybe cannot hold a knife steady enough or are scared of accidentally cutting themselves.
What did you learn during the process? What were some of the challenges? What were some of the learning moments?
I learned that using the 3D printer and all the steps up to it can seem fairly simple however sometimes can be quite challenging. Before this project, I have never used a 3D printer on my own before and it was a really exciting and confusing assignment to do. A big challenge I had was trying to make sure this physically worked and it took a lot of trial and error before making sure the final design made sense and was accurate to my drawing. I learned how to splice and use tinkercad for the first time which was really fun, I had to look up some different tips and tricks and actually ended up making some other really cool designs on my own time. I learned that when the 3D printer adds supports it can become pretty frustrating to get them off without damaging the design itself. Personally, I made my design a bit too thin at some points which ended up breaking off when I took the supports off however it was still really fun to see how the 3D printer built up to making my design a reality.
If you could do it all again, what would change? What could be improved? Dream…
If I could do it all again, I think I would’ve tried and communicated better with Mrs. Henderson ahead of time to see if our plastic was food-safe. I would’ve also looked more carefully at the dome in the top piece of my project and thought about how low down it goes before I printed it. I would change the fact that I made the edges of the top piece so thin that they could so easily break off if there was a knife pushed against it. I could improve my dimensions, even though I made a much smaller version, I wish that I had made it more to the scale of what I would have actually wanted to make if it could be used. I still hope that I will be able to use my design for non-food-related slicing such as art and clay projects in the future.
Hi there! My name is Jazmine Dibblee, I am currently a student at École Riverside Secondary school. My favourite subjects are social studies and new media. Some of my interests include ice hockey, field hockey, music, art, baking and being around my friends and family.
“I raise up my voice—not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard. … We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.”
“I feel now that the time is come when even a woman or a child who can speak a word for freedom and humanity is bound to speak.”
“Justice is about making sure that being polite is not the same thing as being quiet. In fact, often times, the most righteous thing you can do is shake the table.”
Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray, The Neighbourhood, Harry Styles, THE DRIVER ERA, Your Neighbors, The Backseat Lovers, Claire Rosinkranz and Wallows.
That one thing you have always believed to be true, you probably weren’t actually told the rest. As we hear one side of a story, we often ignore how there is still a whole other side to it. What we hear through social media and what we hear from others, we often just assume that it is correct. In a very popular TED talk Chimamanda Adiche, a feminist, writer, Nigerian and storyteller said “What the discovery of African writers did for me was this: It saved me from having a single story of what books are.” When we are young, we can be very vulnerable and impressionable to the world around us. Adiche explains how as she grew up reading British and American books, she assumed that they were the only lifestyles in books. The characters in the books always lived different from her but she never really much of that until she was introduced to books But once she realized that there are books with people that do the things like her and look more like she did exist, she no longer thought that books had to be only the American-British lifestyles. I think this quote is something so relatable for so many. We all are so unique and especially for POC they more commonly have less representation. But, if we put into young POC’s mindset’s at a young age that they can do and be anything without their race being a factor for someone else’s approval. Because they see someone like them doing everything like everyone else.
In a video by proconorg, they explain how “ we often find it too difficult or time-consuming to really think critically.” When we get information we assume it is right, especially knowing that we have these algorithms that feed us the information we are categorized to see. When you get a video that pops up on your feed that’s about something you’ve never heard much about but is targeted to you. You may just assume it is true without even seeing any actual evidence. However, there may also be hidden biases, that we don’t believe to be true. Evidence is something that people need to find to be able to distinguish the truth, because without it how can we tell what is real and what is fake? They mention how when we go grocery shopping and look in the fruits and vegetable section, we don’t always consider the realities and questions. Where are they from? Are they locally sourced? Organic? All these questions are some of the more common things you think but what about thinking more critically. What does it mean if they are the same but are from different places? Is local better? What does organic mean? People don’t often stop to ask these bigger questions and think more critically about everything around them and their reasons.
In the popular Netflix documentary, ‘The Social Dilemma‘ trailer they state a very shocking fact of how “fake news travels six times faster than true news.”We have become very much dependent on social media and technology overall. It has become one of the most used sources of communication that we have. But now, with all the media there is, we have to focus on the fact that we have many people storing all of our information, gathering it, and even potentially selling it to others, legally or illegally. However, when we join social media, we end up agreeing or consenting to their terms and conditions which always seem to be so long that people think ‘hey everyone has already agreed to it so why shouldn’t I?’ There are some people, mostly lawyers who will take a deeper look into what is really in the terms and conditions and how these companies may have more rights to our information than we thought they did. Even those who have helped create popular social media apps have said how they think it is has become quite dangerous, not only with strangers but also with so many young minds as their users. Social media has definitely helped shape and grow society’s standards, both good and bad. These standards can be very harmful to everyone whether it’s mentally or physically. However, social media is also something that has helped us connect to people around the world and gives us access to learn and grow our perspectives on different cultures and lifestyles around the world.
In Michael Wesch’s video on How to stop hating (Country music), after he took some time to learn some country culture and begin to appreciate he says that “we need songs like this to put us in touch with the sacred stories of life.” Sometimes when you first hear a story or a song, you may just brush over the meaning behind the words instead of looking deep into them to see the truth. When Wesch was listening to the lyrics of an Alan Jackson song, he realized that all these country songs he listened to have a meaning and something that many can relate to. If you think about some very popular songs and you really listen to the lyrics, you’ll hear how they are about a breakup or losing something or someone.
Even if you don’t actually relate to the same experience the song may be portraying you start to resonate with something personal to your life or yourself. Now after Wesch claims that he doesn’t enjoy country music, he begins to realize that maybe it’s because he hasn’t taken the time to appreciate it as much as he had the songs that he does enjoy. The Alan Jackson song reminds him of his childhood and how he relates to the lyrics of leaving and wanting to put it behind him but now instead he feels the connection that everyone else in the line dancing room feels too.
The single stories we have on others can be changed when we do our bests and put in the effort. As Adiche said, “…show people as one thing, as only one thing, over and over again, and that is what they become.” If we keep seeing something like a group of people a certain way, we may just start to assume they are all the same or that they all become the one thing that a few of them truly may be. Although, it is not always right to do so and can cause harm or bad situations because instead, we should be looking at people from a fresh view each time. We can’t always depend on social media and people that we believe to have that one story to tell us their whole stories if we do not try and correct our mistakes.
If we are to truly learn to see the bigger picture and listen to the whole story, and not just a small little detail. But instead looking to see the truth and looking for that piece of evidence or more aspects to the story. While spending time getting to know my ‘other’ in my New Media 11 class, I learned that the assumptions that I made for them in my own mind were not as I thought. Just like how when Adiche was younger she thought that characters in all books were like the British and American books she read when she was younger. But instead, she later learned how there is so much more variety and that there were books that she could relate to. When getting to know my other I learned some new things I have in common with a then complete stranger that I would have never imagined. Learning to see the full story is a very important aspect of growing up and maturing to become a kind and well-rounded person. Acknowledging differences away from stereotypes and single stories, help to make society better than ever.