The debate of Nature vs. Nurture has a long history. When genetics was a more primitive subject based upon lines of lineage and punnet squares, a lot of thinking for where traits came from was purely nature. Still, nurture supporters weren’t entirely absent slightly later on. The “freudian” thinking of supporters for traits come from nurture was held in sway until eventually it gave way completely to the biological standpoint. This was almost all due to the fact that individuals who supported nature tended to be more involved in the world of experiments and science. This gave them better access to labs, funding, and the ability to diagnose many people without breaking the bank. However as time went on and more of these resources became more widely available to many people, psychoanalysis became more commonplace. This meant the nurture theory came at a head with the nature theory. Today, the debate still continues. Often because humans forget that sometimes, it’s never just one way or the other. One man (many now) who practiced more of the complexities of this balance was Dr. Demartini. He proved that conditions professionally diagnosed to be exclusively nature were really hidden nurture problems that the patient themselves was not aware of. Whether this is trauma from their past, or a hidden unresolved issue, it was, a good portion of the time, a nurture based issue. Even so, today there isn’t a lot of diagnosis towards nurture. Why is this? The process by which doctors diagnose patients is often very subjective to the patient. If the patient gives out information, even a slight change in the info said can alter the diagnosis a lot. Often the patient isn’t even aware of what hidden nurture issues may be hiding. Therefor it is often missed when gauging a patients condition. In Overview and Landmark, different classes that teach how to self-help in different ways, there is a common theme. There are things you know, and then things you know that you don’t know. What is often missed, however, is what you don’t know you don’t know. If the latter happens to be your condition when consulting a doctor, what good is the analysis?

Sources: Website pending connection.

All overview and landmark knowledge: Myself and my mother. She is a facilitator for both.