Poetry in the News

Image result for income inequality

I’m the poor, you’re the rich

I’m the poor, you’re the rich

We breathe the same air, and yet our life is so different


You think about caviar or truffle; I think about bread or potato.

You think about Ferrari or Bugatti; I think about bus or subway.

You think about Gucci or Hermes; I think about Gap or Zara.

You think about Bombardier or Gulfstream; I think about breakfast or dinner.


I tried my best to better my lot in life

Yet here I remain, like a rowboat in the middle of a storm surge, at the mercy of the elements.

Can I survive? Can I improve my life?

Will this ever end?


Been like this for too long

Lots of us, few of you

the light needs to shine on the end of the tunnel

the change must happen.


After all, no one is ought to be superior to others.

We are all created equal.


My article:


My reflection:

My poem:


Poem Composition:

The poem A Brave and Startling Truth by Maya Angelou is an open poem that explores the actions people should take to make the world a better place. the poem is intended to inform the readers that human is capable of both good and evil deeds, but the earth is the only home for humanity; therefore, the human need to be compassionate and achieve good deeds in order to preserve humanity. The poet uses figurative language extensively. In the lines of “From fists of hostility” and “When land mines of death have been removed”, Angelou uses similes to referring fists as hostility and land mines as death. The fist is a commonly used symbol for violence, and Angelou uses fist in the poem to illustrate the constant threat of violence and hostility for people and show the need to eliminate the violence. The land mine is life threating weapon in many places in the world and local residents constantly face the dangerous threat of land mines which can cause death. Angelou uses land mines to demonstrate the devastating effect of war on normal people and the need to end all wars. The poem shows both the blood and the rose side of humanity and suggests that humans are capable of both atrocities and magnificent achievements. However, just like in Oryx and Crake, if the blood side overcomes the rose side, the human would inherit a wasteland and humanity would face destruction. Only through the rose side, the human can preserve the earth and humanity itself. The poem A Brave and Startling Truth informs the readers that humanity can achieve good deeds and humans are ought to achieve good deeds.

Blog log assignment 2

“Does digital technology make students stupid?” by Kevin Dickinson


The discussion of the effects of digital media on learning, especially the negative ones, are widespread. The article reveals the complexity of the issue and cautions that people should not make a quick judgment based on some studies or phenomena about the negative impact of digital technology because the causal relationship can be difficult to determine in the studies. The author first demonstrates some examples which shows the concerns that some people have on the entering of digital media in classrooms, then he provides some findings that reveal that the negative impact of digital media might be temporary and no direct relationship is found between the drop of cognitive development and use of digital media. I like the usage of refuting commonly held beliefs by the author. This clarifies some misconceptions from the readers and presents a more objective and holistic view on the issue.

Blog log assignment 1

“Air travel is a huge contributor to climate change. A new global movement wants you to be ashamed to fly.” By Umair Irfan


In contemporary society, climate change and the emission of greenhouse gases are the crucial problems that humanity needs to tackle in order to survive. The article explores one of the contributors to greenhouse gases- air travel, which interested me because air travel is not a common topic when discussing climate change. The author effectively narrates the story of Maja Rosén, who decides not to travel by airplane due to its detrimental effect on the warming of the planet. The story captures the readers’ attention by illustrates the reaction of some individuals who realizes the consequences of air traveling on the environment. The article is relevant to society because humanity faces great challenges on combating climate change which can eventually lead to the destruction of mankind, so people must utilize every method to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and decelerate the warming effect on the earth. The article proposed some methods that individuals can commit in order to fight climate change, such as reduce air travels or use alternative transportations that produce fewer greenhouse gases. The article should be read by people who concern about the climate and want to react effectively to the overproducing of greenhouse gases.

Physics in Jiu Jitsu

In Jiu Jitsu player needs to get his opponent on the ground and control him. In this case, the use of force is very important because if the player can use force more effective, he can have better control.

this lab demonstrates How Does a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner’s understanding of physics (Torque) make
him or her more effective.

Torque: a measure of how much a force acting on an object causes that object to rotate.

fulcrum: the point on which a lever rests or is supported and on which it pivots.

Lever: a simple machine consisting of a beam or rigid rod pivoted at a fulcrum.

force: any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object.

Touque in Armbar

Touque in Triangle Choke


the use of torque in Jiu-Jitsu allows the player to use less force to achieve greater torque and have better control over the opponent, thus makes the player uses Jiu-Jitsu more effective.

Wave interference -physics 11

Standing Wave: When interfering waves, have the same amplitude and wavelength, the resultant interference pattern remains nearly stationary and is called a standing wave interference pattern, a nodal point is a point that remains at rest throughout the interference of the pulses.

Deconstructive Wave: When a crest and trough meet “the waves are out of phase” the energies combine work against each other – they tend to cancel out.

Constructive Wave: When a crest from one source meets a crest from another source, the energies combine to displace the medium (energies are the additive), the same thing occurs when trough meets trough.

How do noise canceling headphones use wave interference to eliminate unwanted sound?

The noise canceling headphones transmit equal but opposite wavelengths which cancel out the sound/noise just like how deconstructive waves work.

physics 11 string wave

Periodic Wave Description: Wave recurring at regular intervals.

Pulse Wave Description: Non-repeating wave.

Longitude Wave Description: Several turns of the spring are compressed and let go. Disturbance is in the same direction as the direction of the travel, “Lengthwise.”

Transverse Wave Description: Spring is pulled sideways (disturbance is at right angle to the direction that the wave will travel).