Van der Graff generator

Wednesday in science class we used a Van der Graff generator. A Van der Graff generator is a generator the uses a belt to create friction which makes static electricity. I learned that you can use static electricity sorta like a magnet in the way that it attracts metal flacks to you when touching the Van der Graff generator. The part i liked the most was when we used the generator to attract the confetti to the hand of one of the students that was really cool. I think the activity is important because its important to know how static electricity works not only for education but also for safety for example when your older something in your house could have been building up a charge and someone could touch it and get shocked or you could notice what is going and de-charge it.

Science app review

My problem is that i have trouble focusing on my studying in my classes at school, so i  wanted to find an app to help me study for not only science but also my other classes.

What i found was an app called Flash Cards that allowed me to make flash cards and help me study for testes and quizzes. All i had to do was put whatever question i wanted on the front of the card and type the answer on the back side of the card. It only took me all of 3 minutes to figure out how the app works, but the app was maybe to simple because i couldn’t do more than what i wanted to do with it, however being a simple app helped me understand it better because apps are meant to be simple and fun.pic-2pic-1

The app really helped me study for my final test in science i spend about an hour making a series of questions then studying them the days before the test. It worked out for me because i got a better mark on the final test than i did on the quizzes before.

In conclusion the app was very useful and i will be using it in the future to study in my science class but also in my other classes.

Testing for Vitamin C

On Friday are science class learned how to observe and compare and contrast six different liquids. At the start of the experiment the liquids we mostly blue however during the experiment if you added a liquid with a high level Vitamin C then the colour would change however if the liquid did not have a high level of Vitamin C the colour would not change.


Before we mixed:


On Friday we did the experiment to learn why does the amount of vitamin C affect the colour of mix of chemicals. In the experiment i did my half of the work witch included writing down notes and mixing the chemicals while my partner did his half. It is important to know these things because the drinks with lots of vitamin C are good for you.

After we mixed:science-after



Émission #1 – Les profs qui donnent trop de devoirs.


Titre du podcastLes Pensées

Description du podcastL’idée générale de notre podcast est de donner les opinions à propos des sujets qui ont d’importances à nous.

Émission #1: Les Devoirs

Description de l’émission: Dans cette émission on va vous parlez à propos des professeurs qui donnent trop devoirs.

Le podcast: 

Digital footprint

When you’re young you make some decisions before really thinking about what you’re doing and that could lead to bad things happening to you in your future like you could be going to a very good university/college but they find some old post you made and they kick you out of the school, or you get a good job opportunity but the company has to make sure you’re a good person so they look through your old tweets and they find that you are not as good as they thought you were so they take away the opportunity.


To keep your digital footprint safe then you must THINK before you post stuff, you shouldn’t post things that people may misinterpreted as being racist, sexist ect, don’t post inappropriate pictures that may lead to something happening to you in the future.









Things I would pass on would be things like THINK before you post things, don’t put things on the internet that you will regret for your whole life cause once it is one the internet is will be there forever and don’t put personal information like who you dated or what you did last week at a party because that could affect how you look to others or how you look to your bosses or piers. boss-talking-to-emplyeeguy-thinking