When attempting to graph Santa’s face, I kind of altered Santa’s face into making him an old man with a black moustache and beard. I did so by first creating a parabola (y=x^2) with a positive slope with limits to the domain and range using set notation. That created the bottom portion of his beard. Then I created a parabola with a negative notation to create the top portion, so the moustache. Then I made a circular face by using the x^2+y^2 format. I removed his top part of the head, which would be covered by the hat, by cutting into the top portion of the range.

I created his eyes by using negative parabolas with a slope closer to zero, which makes the graph look more to the flat side. I did that twice to create symmetrical eyes. I did the nose by doing the opposite of a vertical parabola (x=y^2) to create the nose that goes outwards. I did the mouth simply by making a horizontal line (y=constant) and limiting the domain.

I made the hat by making two parabolas with limits to the domain and the range, then adding a sideways parabola to connect the vertical parabolas. That made a Santa hat-like hat. I topped it off by adding Santa’s signature tuff circle at the tip of the hat by making a circle pushed to the top-left by using this formula: \left(x+10\right)^2+\left(y-1.8\right)^2=1. When you add/subtract a constant to a variable x, it will either push the center to the left or the right. When you add/subtract a constant to a variable y, it will either push the center above or below.