The first article really made me think how bad people can be. Some people are too afraid to criticize others themselves, so they make fake accounts to criticize with a bit more comfort. It also made me think that this could affect me if possible. This guy named James Galan is a real person. However, people thought he was in this because his name was on it. But he wasn’t; he was just some dude in Ontario who had no idea this was going on. However, this isn’t just one person who decided to use some random name to insult Albertan politicians. There are five other people who took fake accounts with stock photos from the Internet and publicly insulted politicians. One even took a photo of an actual person who isn’t even known on the Internet! This goes to show that such things could happen to anyone, and one must never be tricked by what they see the first time when they don’t dig deeper.

The second article was no different. People went and posted several stuff on social media saying that their child or relative went missing after the Manchester explosion. Most of this were true, but some were just random people who were perfectly fine in another country, possible another continent. The first thought I had was that certain people had no respect for the families that are desperately waiting for their child’s return. They wanted to cause some kind of weird impact so they go and do this useless junk. Again, this showed how easy it is to be fooled by a photo. For example, on the first tweet, if you hadn’t known that the photo was from a fashion shoot in 2014, you would naturally guess that this was true. Same goes for the other photos as well. It reminded me again that this kind of info and be easily edited and made into false information, so we as the reader or browser always have to be careful and attentive.