How can BC’s waste management system be made more sustainable?

How can BC’s waste management system be made more sustainable?

To answer this question, we need to first see how other countries are managing their waste. Germany recycles or composts 68% of municipal waste. They do this by educating the public on how to identify what is trash, compost, or recycling, so most of the work is done by the individual households. Also, residents are required to pay more for using more packaging which has led to a reduction in use and increased recycling and composting acts. South Korea has a 59% recycling and composting rate. The country has invested 2% of its GDP to a Green Growth program. With public incentives and enforcement has led Korea having the second highest recycler of municipal waste. If we follow the actions of these two countries, then we can make BC’s waste management system more sustainable by spreading awareness to the public and putting a cost on buying packaging.

One Response

  1. brchan at |

    I like Germany’s idea of putting a cost on packaging. This should put pressure on companies to produce less waste.
    I’m curious about what Germany does to educate people as we seem to be missing that here in N. America.


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