food Journal Consumable Waste

The first following question is how much of these food come in different packaging. A lot a food come in different packaging like how they package eggs differently then like a cereal box. It really depends how they package because if the item is like an egg, eggs are fragile there probably going to package them differently then the others it so item inside won’t crack.

The second following question is what kind of packaging are usually used (styrofoam,cardboard box,plastic,bags,boxes or ect.)? Depends what items are in the packages because if its fragile there probably going to used styrofoam so the items wont break easily. But if you buy shoes they come in different packaging inside, the packaging usually comes with like plastic or paper. But if you order a laptop it mostly comes with a cardboard an styrofoam to protect.

The third question is why do you think all these materials were chosen specifically for the products purchased. I think that there specifically chosen for the product purchased and mostly used cheap items like plastic materials that they used for like everything basically and other materials like boxest,yrofoam,cardboard box,plastic or paper.

The fourth question is how is packaging both positive or negative for the consumer (the person using it.)?  it could be negative and positive the negative part i think is that if you reuse food packaging like paper of plastic material but it’s safe or positive to reuse glass because you can clean it. It can It could be negative for the nature also if there using plastic for the packaging people don’t care so they just throw the plastic anywhere. The wind can blow the plastic into the ocean. I don’t know if this is positive but cheap materials like plastic could be positive because it’s affordable easy to get there easy to provide.

The fifth question is what happens to these packaging materials after we have eaten the food inside of them. The materials probably get moldy and the materials probably just gets thrown anywhere and the material is going to get inton ocean.

The sixth question is where is the packaging waste after one day? One year? One hundred years.? It gets put in the recycling and the materials probably gets reuse or people just throw anywhere and it could get into to are ocean. In one hundred years are ocean is going to be filled with plastic paper and all kind of stuff. Fishes might even go extinct.

The seventh question is what happens to the food waste. theirs a potential that it might affect the global warming. Food waste could get into landfill and it generates methane and a greenhouse gas potential of trapping and produces heat in are atmosphere.

The last an final question is what 3-4 suggestion for ways that consumers can decrease the amount of waste we create. Put your garbage or food what ever thing you don’t need to the right storage. The second  suggestion after you eat and you have some left overs you should save it and eat it later and don’t just throw it where ever you want at least put it in the right storage or trashcan

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