What i learned about my digital footprint

How might digital footprint affect your future opportunities, they can track down the things that you have done in the past so if i was you i would keep my digital foot print appropriate. The second example, Some body track down this person digital footprint and it affected them really bad because you can possibly lose a job, if they find anything that’s not appropriate.

Describe at least three strategies that i can use to keep my digital foot print appropriate and. One strategy i guess is don’t post stuff in the internet like smoking or doing drugs because that would be really dumb. Second strategy think before you do something that’s not appropriate. Third strategy is i guess just be smart in what you do because you don’t know what can happen because you could be doing really good could have a job, but someone finds something in past of you like doing drugs or something else then your probably gonna lose it

What information did i learn that i would past on others. I would tell them to keep there digital footprint, appropriate because if your doing good in life, i learned that some body can track down your digital footprint. What ever your doing in life that’s making you successful you can possibly lose it because if they tracked something down that’s not appropriate.

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