Math 11 Pre-Calc, Week 15

This week in math we started a new unit, this unit is called multiplying and dividing rational expressions. and example of this is with this equation of = since its a divide question u would want to flip the second fraction like this = Then u would want to factor it and turn it into […]

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Math 11 Pre-Calc, Week 14

This week on Friday we started a new unit, the first thing we learned was how to solve fractions that are also with factors, so, for example, first what you would do is first you would factor it turning it into then you would get rid of the numbers that are the same, so on […]

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Math 11 Pre-Calc, Week 13

This week in math we started a new unit and it was an intro to Absolute value functions, this really changed things up and made graphs look crazy on desmos. When I say it looked crazy on demos it really does because when you have an equation like on a graph as shown right here […]

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