DNA and Protein Synthesis

                                    Explain the structure of DNA- use the terms nucleotides, antiparallel strands and complimentary base pairing DNA is a macromolecule (a polymer of nucleic acids). It is made up of monomer nucleotides which includes a nitrogenous base, a phosphate group and 5-carbon sugar (deoxyribose). It is made up by anti parallel strands in a double helix shape. DNA has backbones on the outside, which are made up of…

Pre Calc 12 Core Competency Reflection

How has this unit impacted your creative and critical thinking and communication skills? This unit in pre-calc 12 has led me to a deeper understanding of not only math, but how I am able to use many core competency skills to aid my learning. Critical thinking played a key part to my understanding of this unit. I had to question the various math rules in place and determine solutions to many challenging questions that were thrown at me. I had to analyze the new material,…